UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 28 September 2017 View: S/2017/814

    Abstract: This was a report on the Secretary-General's mission of good offices in Cyprus.

  • 8 September 2017 View: A/RES/71/323

    Abstract: This was a resolution on the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly which decided that on the day of the election in the General Assembly or in the Main Committees, the campaign materials distributed in the General Assembly Hall or in the Committee meeting room shall be limited to a single page of information regarding the candidates.

  • 30 August 2017 View: S/PV.8035

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 2372, which renewed the authorisation of AMISOM.

  • 2 June 2017 View: A/71/PV.86

    Abstract: This was the 2016 elections of four non-permanent members; Poland, Côte d'Ivoire, Kuwait, Peru, Equatorial Guinea and the Netherlands won seats.

  • 25 February 2017 View: S/PV.8054

    Abstract: Special Coordinator Mladenov briefed the Council on the quarterly report on the implementation of resolution 2334 on Israeli settlements.

  • 26 January 2017 View: SC/12696

    Abstract: This was a statement that regarding the removal of one entity from the sanctions list.

  • 30 June 2016 View: A/70/971

    Abstract: This was was the letter from Russia expressing the position that the exceptional case of the agreement between Italy and the Netherlands to split the term would not set a precedent, arguing that this practice would have a negative impact on the Security Council’s efficiency.

  • 30 June 2016 View: A/70/974

    Abstract: This was the letter from Egypt expressing its understanding that the agreement between Italy and the Netherlands to split the 2017-2018 term would not lay the ground for future practice and would have no legal or procedural implications on future elections to the Security Council.

  • 30 June 2016 View: A/70/PV.108

    Abstract: This was the record of the 2016 elections for the remaining non-permanent member from WEOG.

  • 29 June 2016 View: A/70/964

    Abstract: This was the letter from the chair of WEOG stating that Italy and the Netherlands had agreed to split the term, with Italy serving in 2017 and the Netherlands in 2018, requiring a by-election for the remainder of the term.

  • 28 June 2016 View: A/70/PV.106

    Abstract: This was the record of the 2016 elections of four non-permanent members.

  • 28 June 2016 View: A/70/PV.107

    Abstract: This was the record of the 2016 elections of the non-permanent members for the remaining candidates from WEOG when Italy and the Netherlands announced that they would split the term.

  • 16 June 2016 View: A/HRC/32/CRP.2

    Abstract: This was a report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria, which found that ISIL had committed, and continues to commit, the crime of genocide against the Yazidis.

  • 9 June 2016 View: S/PV.7710

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda on the Court’s work on Darfur.

  • 1 June 2016 View: S/2016/499

    Abstract: This was a letter from Canada to the Security Council asking it to establish a mechanism to investigate reports of violations of international law by ISIL in Iraq and Syria.

  • 26 May 2016 View: S/2016/489

    Abstract: This was the Council letter taking note of the Secretary-General's proposals to strengthen the Special Envoy's Office in support of the Yemeni parties and peace process.

  • 23 March 2016 View: A/HRC/RES/31/20

    Abstract: This was Human Rights Council resolution that established a three-member Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan.

  • 7 February 2016 View: SC/12234

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the DPRK's 7 February satellite launch.

  • 6 January 2016 View: SC/12191

    Abstract: Council members condemned the DPRK's nuclear test on that same day.

  • 25 November 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/23

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the protection of civilians.

  • 2 November 2015 View: A/C.3/70/L.45

    Abstract: This was the draft General Assembly resolution on Iran.

  • 15 October 2015 View: A/70/PV.33

    Abstract: This was the record of the 2015 elections of non-permanent members; Senegal, Uruguay, Japan, Egypt and Ukraine won seats.

  • 12 October 2015 View: S/2015/776

    Abstract: This report of the Secretary-General was on piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/PV.7532

    Abstract: This was a meeting where the Council adopted resolution 2241, adjusting the mandate of UNMISS to support implementation of the “Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan”.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/RES/2241

    Abstract: This was a resolution adjusting the mandate of UNMISS to support implementation of the “Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan”. The vote was 13 in favour with two abstentions from Russia and Venezuela.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/PV.7531

    Abstract: This was a meeting on human trafficking and migrant smuggling in the Mediterranean, where the Council adopted resolution 2240 authorising the interdiction of vessels used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/RES/2240

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the interdiction of vessels used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

  • 9 October 2015 View: SC/12074

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed León’s announcement of the proposed names for the Presidency Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/2015/802

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the final report on Eritrea of the Monitoring Group.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/2015/801

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the final report on Somalia of the Monitoring Group.

  • 8 October 2015 View: S/PV.7530

    Abstract: This was the semi-annual debate on Haiti.

  • 7 October 2015 View: S/2015/764

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on implementation of resolution 1559.

  • 7 October 2015 View: S/2015/762

    Abstract: This letter concerned the strategic review of UNSOA and concepts for the extension of the SNA support package.

  • 7 October 2015 View: S/2015/767

    Abstract: This was from the Council president to the Secretary-General on the appointment of Sidikou as the head of MONUSCO.

  • 7 October 2015 View: SC/12070

    Abstract: This was a press statement that condemned an attack on a MINUSCA convoy which resulted in the death of one Burundian peacekeeper the day before.

  • 7 October 2015 View: S/PV.7529

    Abstract: This was a brefing on the situation in the DRC and the Secretary-General's report.

  • 6 October 2015 View: A/70/411

    Abstract: This was the report of the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran.

  • 6 October 2015 View: S/PV.7528

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the situation in Mali and the report of the Secretary-General.

  • 5 October 2015 View: S/2015/766

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General to the Council president on the appointment of Sidikou as the head of MONUSCO.

  • 2 October 2015 View: A/HRC/RES/30/18

    Abstract: This Human Rights Council resolution requested the High Commissioner of Human Rights to provide Yemen technical assistance in the field of human rights and to assist a national commission of inquiry.

  • 2 October 2015 View: A/HRC/RES/30/20

    Abstract: This was a resolution on assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.

  • 2 October 2015 View: A/HRC/RES/30/22

    Abstract: This was on the human rights situation in Sudan.

  • 2 October 2015 View: SC/12067

    Abstract: This was the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee listing of four ISIS-affiliated individuals and one individual affiliated with Al-Nusra Front.

  • 1 October 2015 View: S/2015/749

    Abstract: This was a concept note circulated by Spain asking member states to focus their interventions at the annual open debate on how the international community can better deliver on women, peace and security commitments.

  • 1 October 2015 View: A/HRC/RES/30/10

    Abstract: Was a resolution condemning the violation of human rights in Syria with 29 votes in favour, six against (including Security Council members Russia, China and Venezuela) and 12 abstentions, including Security Council member Nigeria.

  • 30 September 2015 View: SC/12066

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee added one individual to its sanctions list for affiliation with ISIS.

  • 30 September 2015 View: S/PV.7527

    Abstract: The Council held a ministerial-level open debate on the settlement of conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa and countering the terrorist threat in the region.

  • 29 September 2015 View: SC/12063

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee added four individuals and one entity to its sanctions list for their affiliation with ISIS.

  • 29 September 2015 View: SC/12062

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee added two ISIS-affiliated individuals to its sanctions list, both are French nationals.

  • 29 September 2015 View: A/HRC/30/57

    Abstract: The Human Rights Council considered the report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Bahame Nyanduga, during its 30th session in September.

  • 28 September 2015 View: SC/12059

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, at the request of the UK, added four individuals, all UK citizens, to its sanctions list for their affiliation as a fighter or a recruiter for ISIS in Syria.

  • 28 September 2015 View: SC/12061

    Abstract: This was a press statement reiterating their support for the Transitional Authorities and called for an immediate end to the recent upsurge in violence in Bangui.

  • 28 September 2015 View: S/2015/741

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on MONUSCO.

  • 27 September 2015 View: SC/12058

    Abstract: This press statement condemned an attack against a UNAMID convoy that resulted in the death of one peacekeeper.

  • 25 September 2015 View: S/2015/730

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General, "the United Nations and conflict prevention: a collective recommitment".

  • 25 September 2015 View: A/70/393

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report to the General Assembly on the human rights situation in the DPRK.

  • 25 September 2015 View: S/2015/739

    Abstract: A summary by the chair of the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee of the Monitoring Team’s report on the implementation of resolution 2199 regarding the illicit financing of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front.

  • 25 September 2015 View: S/2015/729

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on UNAMID.

  • 24 September 2015 View: SC/12057

    Abstract: This was a press statement that welcomed the reinstatement of President Michel Kafando and the transitional authorities in Burkina Faso, calling for the resumption of the transition process without delay.

  • 24 September 2015 View: S/2015/737

    Abstract: This was the 24th OPCW report.

  • 24 September 2015 View: SC/12056

    Abstract: This press statement condemned a terrorist attack at a mosque in Sana'a.

  • 22 September 2015 View: S/2015/732

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSMA.

  • 22 September 2015 View: S/2015/735

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC.

  • 22 September 2015 View: S/2015/891

    Abstract: This letter transmitted a report of the Monitoring Team on the terrorism threat in Libya posed by ISIL, Ansar al Charia and other Al-Qaida affiliates.

  • 21 September 2015 View: S/2015/728

    Abstract: This was the special IAEA report on implementation of the 14 July 2015 road map.

  • 21 September 2015 View: SC/12054

    Abstract: This was a press statement taking note of the appointment of Carlos Correia as Prime Minister as an important step for ending Guinea-Bissau’s political crisis.

  • 21 September 2015 View: SC/12053

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee added four individuals to its sanctions list, three of whom were listed for being financial facilitators for Al Nusra Front in Syria.

  • 21 September 2015 View: A/70/383

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the "Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of UN personnel.

  • 18 September 2015 View: S/2015/731

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the report of the Emergency Relief Coordinator.

  • 17 September 2015 View: S/2015/716

    Abstract: This was the annual report on women, peace and security that included recommendations from the Global Study on implementation of resolution 1325.