UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 11 July 2019 View: S/PV.8571

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the Security Council’s visiting mission to Kuwait and Iraq.

  • 24 June 2019 View: SC/13855

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of 17 entities from the sanctions list.

  • 14 May 2019 View: SC/13807

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of four entities from the sanctions list.

  • 28 June 2019 View: SC/13868

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of 13 entities from the sanctions list.

  • 29 December 2016 View: S/2016/1129

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Security Council to the Secretary-General regarding the UNOWAS mandate renewal until 31 December 2019.

  • 27 December 2016 View: S/2016/1128

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council regarding the UNOWAS mandate renewal until 31 December 2019.

  • 25 June 2019 View: S/PV.8559

    Abstract: Meeting record of the adoption of resolution 2476 establishing the special political mission BINUH. There were two abstentions: China and the Dominican Republic

  • 9 July 2019 View: S/2019/563

    Abstract: This report covers the time period between 1 March - 9 July 2019, including efforts to transition from a peacekeeping mission to a special political mission.

  • 7 May 2019 View: S/2019/373

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s annual report on protection of civilians, which included a section on “missing persons”.

  • 1 February 2019 View: S/2019/103

    Abstract: This was the eighth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security.

  • 24 July 2019 View: S/PV.8585

    Abstract: The Council held its semi-annual briefing on West Africa and the Sahel.

  • 29 July 2019 View: S/PV.8588

    Abstract: The Council held its bimonthly meeting on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions.

  • 26 July 2019 View: S/PV.8587

    Abstract: The Council had a meeting following a recent trip to Afghanistan by a high-level UN delegation with a focus on women, peace and security.

  • 18 July 2019 View: S/PV.8578

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Yemen by Special Envoy Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock, and Executive Director of the World Food Programme David Beasley

  • 3 June 2019 View: S/2019/453

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on children and armed conflict in Yemen.

  • 19 July 2019 View: S/AC.51/2019/1

    Abstract: These were the conclusions on Syria adopted by the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 20 June 2019 View: S/2019/509

    Abstract: This was the annual report on children and armed conflict.

  • 24 July 2019 View: S/PV.8584

    Abstract: Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of MONUSCO, briefed the Council.

  • 23 July 2019 View: S/PV.8583

    Abstract: The Council held its quarterly open debate on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 25 July 2019 View: S/RES/2483

    Abstract: The Council unanimously adopted resolution 2483 which extended the mandate of UNFICYP in its current configuration until 31 January 2020.

  • 23 July 2019 View: SC/13896

    Abstract: Council members adopted a press statement stressing the importance of implementing the peace agreement as an interlocking set of commitments.

  • 19 July 2019 View: S/PV.8581

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu.

  • 19 July 2019 View: S/PV.8580

    Abstract: The co-leads of the 11-14 July visiting mission to Colombia, Ambassador Gustavo Meza-Cuadra (Peru) and Jonathan Allen (UK), briefed the Council on the visit on 19 July.

  • 18 July 2019 View: SC/13890

    Abstract: Council members issued a press statement that condemned the attack on 16 July by unknown assailants on peacekeepers of UNISFA, which resulted in the death of one peacekeeper.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/2019/540

    Abstract: This was the concept note for a briefing on "Strengthening partnerships for successful nationally-owned transitions".

  • 18 July 2019 View: S/PV.8579

    Abstract: The Council held a briefing on “Strengthening partnerships for successful nationally-owned transitions”, under the agenda item Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace.

  • 17 July 2019 View: S/PV.8576

    Abstract: The Council held its semi-annual debate on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals with briefings by the IRMCT's president, Judge Carmel Agius, and prosecutor, Serge Brammertz.

  • 17 July 2019 View: S/PV.8577

    Abstract: The Council held a briefing on the implementation of the youth, peace and security agenda under the agenda item “maintenance of international peace and security”.

  • 16 July 2019 View: S/PV.8575

    Abstract: The Council was briefed on the situation in Ukraine by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo and OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Lamberto Zannier.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/2019/538

    Abstract: This was a concept note that was circulated ahead of a meeting on improving triangular cooperation between the Council, the Secretariat, and troop- and police-contributing countries.

  • 10 July 2019 View: S/PV.8570

    Abstract: The Council held a debate on improving triangular cooperation between the Council, the Secretariat, and troop- and police-contributing countries.

  • 3 July 2019 View: SC/13870

    Abstract: Council members issued a press statement taking note, inter alia, of the ECOWAS call for the president of Guinea-Bissau to sign a decree of nomination of the government by 3 July on the basis of the proposition made by the Prime Minister, and for the president to stay in office until the holding of the next presidential election, while leaving the full management of government affairs to the newly formed government.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/PV.8566

    Abstract: This was the meeting to adopt resolution 2479.

  • 26 June 2019 View: S/PV.8565

    Abstract: This was the quarterly briefing on the work of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee.

  • 3 July 2019 View: SC/13872

    Abstract: Council members issued a press statement condemning in the strongest terms a terrorist attack claimed by the Taliban on 1 July in Kabul that resulted in the death of at least 35 people and more than 70 injured.

  • 5 July 2019 View: SC/13873

    Abstract: Council members issued a press statement condemning the 2 July air strike on the Tajoura migrant detention centre in a Tripoli suburb that killed 53 people and injured over 130 people and stressing “the need for all parties to urgently de-escalate the situation and to commit to a ceasefire”.

  • 4 June 2018 View: S/2018/524

    Abstract: This was the transmission of Russia’s concept note for its debate on the Middle East and North Africa held 25 June 2018.

  • 25 June 2019 View: S/PV.8293

    Abstract: This was the thematic debate on “Maintaining international peace and security: comprehensive review of the situation in the Middle East and North Africa”.

  • 17 July 2019 View: S/2019/574

    Abstract: This was a report on implementation of resolution 1701.

  • 31 May 2019 View: S/RES/2472

    Abstract: This renewed the authorisation of AMISOM until 31 May 2020 and authorised reductions to achieve a maximum level of 19,626 uniformed AMISOM personnel by 28 February 2020.

  • 15 July 2019 View: SC/13883

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the terrorist attack in Kismayo on 12 July 2019.

  • 9 July 2019 View: S/PV.8582

    Abstract: This was an open debate on the linkages between international terrorism and transnational organised crime.

  • 30 June 2019 View: SC/13869

    Abstract: This was on the Council’s 28-29 June visiting mission to Kuwait and Iraq.

  • 17 May 2019 View: S/2019/407

    Abstract: This was the second report of the Special Adviser and head of UNITAD.

  • 19 July 2019 View: S/RES/2482

    Abstract: This was on the nexus between terrorism and international organised crime.

  • 15 July 2019 View: S/PV.8573

    Abstract: This was the Council's second briefing by Karim Asad Ahmad Khan, the Special Adviser and head of UNITAD.

  • 28 June 2019 View: S/PV.8568

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which resolution 2480 was adopted.

  • 25 June 2019 View: S/PV.8561

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/PV.8567

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the political process in Syria.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/2019/541

    Abstract: This was an OPCW report on progress in the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons programme.

  • 5 July 2019 View: S/2019/549

    Abstract: This was on developments in West Africa and the Sahel, and the activities of UNOWAS in the first half of 2019.

  • 15 July 2019 View: S/RES/2481

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the mandate of the UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement for six months until 15 January 2020.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/PRST/2017/27

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement that laid out the elements related to peacebuilding and sustaining peace to be considered when reviewing the mandates and configuration of peacekeeping missions.

  • 21 December 2018 View: S/2018/1150

    Abstract: This was a letter from 13 members of the Council, including outgoing and incoming elected members, reiterating the request that the Secretary-General’s quarterly report on Israel/Palestine be provided in written form, rather than orally.

  • 20 June 2019 View: S/PV.8557

    Abstract: This meeting contained the most recent oral report on the implementation of resolution 2334 by Mladenov.

  • 25 June 2019 View: S/RES/2476

    Abstract: This resolution established BINUH, an SPM that will continue the UN presence in Haiti following the conclusion of MINUJUSTH.

  • 29 March 2019 View: S/PV.8498

    Abstract: This was the adoption of resolution 2463, with explanations of votes by some countries.

  • 27 June 2019 View: S/RES/2479

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMID until 31 October 2019.

  • 8 March 2019 View: S/2019/218

    Abstract: This Secretary-General's report covered the period from 4 January to 8 March 2019.

  • 26 June 2019 View: S/RES/2478

    Abstract: The Council renewed the 1533 sanctions regime until 1 July 2020.

  • 26 March 2019 View: S/2019/265

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s Report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 10 June 2019 View: S/PV.8540

    Abstract: This was the adoption of resolution 2473.

  • 12 June 2019 View: SC/13840

    Abstract: This was a press release about the committee’s 31 May informal consultations at which it received briefings by the Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs in Libya, Stephanie T. Williams, and the coordinator of the Panel of Experts on the panel’s interim report.

  • 10 June 2019 View: S/RES/2473

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the authorisation for member states, acting nationally or through regional organisations, to inspect vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya bound to or from the country that they have reasonable grounds to believe are violating the arms embargo.

  • 17 June 2019 View: S/2019/517

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting a decree of the Transitional Military Council by which it was decided to use the team sites of UNAMID for civilian purposes, mainly for health and education.

  • 25 April 2019 View: S/2019/343

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 1559.

  • 29 December 2015 View: S/2015/1050

    Abstract: This was the annual report of the working group.

  • 21 December 2017 View: S/2017/1087

    Abstract: This was the annual report of the working group.

  • 28 May 2019 View: S/PV.8535

    Abstract: This was on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 18 June 2019 View: S/PV.8553

    Abstract: This was on the situation in north-western Syria.