UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 29 January 2019 View: S/2019/88

    Abstract: This was the report of the Peacebuilding Commission on its 12th session.

  • 28 January 2019 View: S/2019/91

    Abstract: This was an OPCW report on progress in the elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons programme.

  • 21 December 2018 View: S/2018/1148

    Abstract: This was the report of the 1718 DPRK Sanctions Committee.

  • 17 January 2019 View: S/PV.8446

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the work of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee.

  • 16 January 2019 View: SC/13667

    Abstract: Council members issued a press statement on the progress of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali.

  • 20 January 2019 View: SC/13672

    Abstract: Council members condemned an attack against the MINUSMA camp in Aguelhok, which resulted in 10 peacekeepers from Chad killed and several others injured.

  • 25 January 2019 View: SC/13678

    Abstract: Council members condemned the attack perpetrated against a MINUSMA convoy near Douentza (region of Mopti), which resulted in two peacekeepers from Sri Lanka killed and several others injured.

  • 29 June 2018 View: S/2018/649

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNOWAS and the region.

  • 5 January 2019 View: SC/13657

    Abstract: Council members issued a statement regarding the decision of the Federal Government of Somalia to declare the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Nicholas Haysom, persona non grata.

  • 16 January 2019 View: SC/13666

    Abstract: Council members condemned a terrorist attack in Nairobi which occurred the previous day and paid tribute to Kenya’s role in the fight against terrorism, particularly its role in AMISOM, fighting against Al-Shabaab.

  • 3 January 2019 View: S/PV.8440

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNSOM Nicholas Haysom on the latest Secretary-General’s report on Somalia.

  • 30 January 2019 View: S/PV.8453

    Abstract: The Council unanimously adopted resolution 2453, extending the mandate of UNFICYP for another six months.

  • 30 January 2019 View: S/RES/2453

    Abstract: The Council extended the mandate of UNFICYP for another six months.

  • 31 January 2019 View: S/RES/2454

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 Central African Republic Sanctions Committee.

  • 23 January 2019 View: S/PV.8450

    Abstract: This was a Council briefing from Carlos Ruiz Massieu, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 8 January 2019 View: SC/13658

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of three entities from the sanctions list.

  • 18 January 2019 View: SC/13670

    Abstract: This was a press release on a meeting of the 1518 Iraq Sanctions Committee with a high-level Iraqi delegation for a discussion about the recovery of Iraqi financial assets abroad, handling of delisting requests, and delisting of Iraqi entities.

  • 24 January 2019 View: SC/13676

    Abstract: This was a press statement reiterating the Council's full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and sharing the assessment set out in the report of the Secretary-General.

  • 18 January 2019 View: S/PV.8448

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salamé, on the situation in Libya.

  • 16 January 2019 View: S/PV.8445

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the situation in Mali by Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Bintou Keita.

  • 19 December 2018 View: S/2018/1138

    Abstract: This was a joint statement by the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey on Syria.

  • 16 October 2018 View: S/2018/926

    Abstract: This was a letter from nine Council members, requesting a briefing by the Chairperson of the Human Rights Council’s Fact-Finding Mission.

  • 6 August 2018 View: A/73/303

    Abstract: This was a report of the Working Group on Mercenaries in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 16.

  • 29 September 2015 View: A/HRC/RES/33/4

    Abstract: This was a Human Rights Council resolution that renewed the mandate of the Working Group on Mercenaries.

  • 20 December 2018 View: S/2018/1144

    Abstract: This was from the DRC government explaining the one-week election postponement.

  • 14 December 2018 View: S/2018/1111

    Abstract: This was a letter by Serbia requesting an emergency meeting on the situation in Kosovo.

  • 21 December 2018 View: S/PV.8437

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which presidential statement S/PRST/2018/21 was adopted.

  • 1 November 2018 View: S/2018/981

    Abstract: This was Secretary-General's report on UNMIK.

  • 9 January 2019 View: S/2019/29

    Abstract: This expressed the Council’s intention to consider the Secretary-General’s proposal to establish a UN mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement.

  • 31 December 2018 View: S/2019/28

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s proposal to establish a UN mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement.

  • 15 January 2019 View: SC/13663

    Abstract: This press statement noted the announcement by CENI of provisional results of the presidential and provincial elections, welcomed the subsequent peaceful and stable situation, and encouraged any disputes to be dealt with along legal channels.

  • 11 January 2019 View: S/PV.8443

    Abstract: This was a briefing from the Special Representative and head of MONUSCO, Leila Zerrougui; President of CENI Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo; Permanent Observer of the AU Fatima Kyari Mohammed; President of CENCO Monseigneur Marcel Utembi; and Joseph Malanji, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Zambia and Chairperson of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation of SADC.

  • 25 January 2019 View: SC/13679

    Abstract: This was a press release on the 18 January meeting of the 2140 Committee to consider the Yemen Panel of Expert’s final report.

  • 16 January 2019 View: S/PV.8444

    Abstract: This was the adoption of resolution 2452.

  • 9 January 2019 View: S/PV.8441

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Yemen by the Special Envoy Martin Griffiths and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock.

  • 21 January 2019 View: S/2019/69

    Abstract: This was a report on the implementation of resolution 2451.

  • 16 January 2019 View: S/RES/2452

    Abstract: This established the UN Mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) for an initial period of six months.

  • 4 January 2019 View: S/2019/11

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on progress regarding the implementation of resolution 2451.

  • 11 January 2019 View: S/2019/37

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's latest report on UNFICYP, covering 21 June 2018 to 18 December 2018.

  • 10 January 2019 View: S/PV.8442

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas on the Secretary-General’s latest report on developments in West Africa and the Sahel and the activities of UNOWAS.

  • 22 January 2019 View: S/PV.8449

    Abstract: This was the Council's quarterly open debate on the Middle East (Israel/Palestine).

  • 2 January 2019 View: S/2019/1

    Abstract: This was the concept note for the open debate on the theme “Addressing the impacts of climate-related disasters on international peace and security”.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on energy, security and climate organised by the UK.

  • 17 April 2007 View: S/PV.5663

    Abstract: This was a debate on energy, security and climate organised by the UK.

  • 10 January 2019 View: S/2019/39

    Abstract: This was the concept note for an Arria-formula meeting on the theme of “What’s next for women and peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa: the potential of national action plans”.

  • 18 January 2019 View: SC/13671

    Abstract: The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack at the General Santander National Police Academy in Bogotá on 17 January 2019, which left several fatalities and dozens injured.

  • 14 January 2019 View: S/2019/44

    Abstract: This was the 90-day report of the Secretary-General on UNAMID.

  • 15 November 2018 View: SC/13582

    Abstract: On 24 October 2018, the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee was briefed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, on the current situation regarding sexual violence in Sudan and particularly Darfur.

  • 17 December 2018 View: S/2018/1122

    Abstract: This was the report of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee.

  • 28 December 2018 View: S/2018/1173

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 2451.

  • 18 November 2011 View: S/2011/726

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the concept note for the Security Council open debate on working methods.

  • 19 November 2012 View: S/2012/853

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the concept note for the open debate on working methods.

  • 17 December 2018 View: S/2018/1124

    Abstract: This was the report of the 2374 Mali Sanctions Committee.

  • 7 January 2019 View: S/2019/19

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNSMIL.

  • 4 January 2019 View: S/2019/6

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on MONUSCO.

  • 2 January 2019 View: S/2019/5

    Abstract: This letter appointed six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.

  • 26 December 2018 View: S/2018/1165

    Abstract: This was the report of the activities of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa for 2018.

  • 26 December 2018 View: S/2018/1169

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 6 August 2009 View: A/64/254

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 4 August 2010 View: A/65/219

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 3 August 2011 View: A/66/256

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 5 August 2013 View: A/68/267

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 15 May 2015 View: S/2015/336

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Afghanistan.

  • 20 July 2015 View: A/70/162

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 12 February 2016 View: S/2016/133

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic.

  • 25 July 2016 View: A/71/205

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 10 April 2017 View: S/2017/304

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Nigeria.

  • 24 August 2017 View: S/2017/821

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict.

  • 2 August 2017 View: A/72/276

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 17 December 2018 View: S/2018/1136

    Abstract: This was the report of the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.