UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 22 February 2012 View: S/PV.6720

    Abstract: At this meeting the Council discussed the January report of the Secretary-General.

  • 22 February 2012 View: S/RES/2036

    Abstract: This resolution authorised an increase in AMISOM's troop ceiling as well as an expansion of its UN support package and imposed a ban on importing charcoal from Somalia.

  • 21 February 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/2

    Abstract: Was on the impact of transnational organized crime on peace, security and stability in West Africa and the Sahel Region, including piracy.

  • 21 February 2012 View: S/PV.6717

    Abstract: Was a high-level debate on the impact of transnational organised crime on peace and security in West Africa and the wider Sahel region.

  • 17 February 2012 View: S/2012/102

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Security Council regarding the extension of the Tribunal’s mandate through 1 March 2015.

  • 7 March 2012 View: S/2012/139

    Abstract: This transmitted from the Secretary-Generaal El-Keib’s letter to the president of the Council.

  • 6 March 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/5

    Abstract: This presidential statement urged the parties to reach agreement on the unresolved issues separating them

  • 5 March 2012 View: S/PV.6729

    Abstract: This open debate on Somalia was chaired by Under Secretary of State Henry Bellingham (UK) as a follow up to the 23 February London Conference.

  • 5 March 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/4

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed the International London Conference on Somalia and fully supported its communiqué.

  • 5 March 2012 View: S/2012/133

    Abstract: This report was on UNAMA.

  • 1 March 2012 View: S/2012/129

    Abstract: This was an update report on UNSMIL.

  • 29 February 2012 View: S/2012/128

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.

  • 29 February 2012 View: S/RES/2038

    Abstract: The Council appointed Jallow as the prosecutor of the residual mechanism.

  • 29 February 2012 View: S/RES/2039

    Abstract: Welcomed the Secretary-General's assessment mission on piracy in the Gulf of Guinea and called on states to implement its recommendations.

  • 23 March 2012 View: A/HRC/RES/19/28

    Abstract: This was an HRC resolution on Somalia.

  • 22 March 2012 View: A/HRC/RES/19/14

    Abstract: The resolution included a call on Israel to desist from its continuous building of settlements and imposing Israeli citizenship on Syrian citizens and to allow the Syrian population of the occupied Syrian Golan to visit their families.

  • 22 March 2012 View: S/PV.6739

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Michael von der Schulenburg, who was withdrawn from Sierra Leone on 6 February as the Secretary-General’s Executive Representative for UNIPSIL, and Guillermo Rishchynski, the chairperson of the Sierra Leone country specific configuration.

  • 22 March 2012 View: S/RES/2041

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNAMA's mandate until 23 March 2013.

  • 22 March 2012 View: S/PV.6738

    Abstract: This was the record of the adoption of resolution 2041 (2012).

  • 21 March 2012 View: S/PV.6736

    Abstract: This meeting included the adoption of S/PRST/2012/6.

  • 21 March 2012 View: S/PV.6737

    Abstract: The Council received his was a regular 90-day briefing provided by the chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee), Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia).

  • 21 March 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/6

    Abstract: This presidential statement supported the Joint Special Envoy's six-point plan for mediation of the Syrian crisis.

  • 20 March 2012 View: S/PV.6735

    Abstract: This was the record of a debate on Afghanistan.

  • 19 March 2012 View: S/2012/166

    Abstract: This letter contained the Framework for African Union and United Nations Facilitation of the Darfur Peace Process.

  • 14 March 2012 View: S/2012/160

    Abstract: This was a midterm report of the Secretary-General on UNIPSIL.

  • 13 March 2012 View: PBC/6/LBR/1

    Abstract: This was the review of progress in the implementation of the statement of mutual commitments on peacebuilding in Liberia.

  • 12 March 2012 View: S/PV.6734

    Abstract: This high-level debate on challenges and opportunities in the Middle East focused on Syria.

  • 12 March 2012 View: S/RES/2040

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNSMIL and the Panel of Experts by 12 months, with a requirement to review and adjust the mandate within six months.

  • 12 March 2012 View: S/PV.6733

    Abstract: This is the record of a meeting during which the Council unanimously adopted resolution 2040.

  • 8 March 2012 View: S/PV.6732

    Abstract: This was a debate on Haiti.

  • 7 March 2012 View: S/PV.6731

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Ian Martin, who presented the Secretary-General’s report on UNSMIL.

  • 10 April 2012 View: S/2012/206

    Abstract: This Joint Special Envoy’s letter to the Security Council concerned the Syrian commitments to cease violence by 10 and then 12 April

  • 10 April 2012 View: S/PV.6747

    Abstract: This was Kobler’s briefing to the Council.

  • 9 April 2012 View: S/2012/218

    Abstract: This was from judges Meron and Joensen on the appeals process in the ICTR.

  • 6 April 2012 View: S/2012/199

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General concerned a UN team being dispatched to Damascus to engage in technical discussions in preparation for a potential observer mission.

  • 5 April 2012 View: S/2012/197

    Abstract: The Secretary-General's MINURSO report (Western Sahara).

  • 5 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/10

    Abstract: This presidential statement called on the Syrian government to cease violence by 10 April and the opposition to cease all violence 48 hours thereafter.

  • 4 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/9

    Abstract: This presidential statement was adopted in response to a spreading Tuareg rebellion in the north and called for the immediate restoration of constitutional rule and demanded an end to all hostilities in the north. It also condemned the seizure of territory by rebels in the north, particularly expressing alarm over the presence of Al-Qaida-affiliated terrorists in the north of the country and in the wider Sahel region.

  • 4 April 2012 View: S/PV.6745

    Abstract: This was a meeting where S/PRST/2012/9 was adopted.

  • 29 March 2012 View: S/2012/186

    Abstract: This was a special Secretary-General's report on the reduction of UNOCI's military component.

  • 29 March 2012 View: S/2012/185

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General’s report on UNAMI.

  • 29 March 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/8

    Abstract: This presidential statement noted Council members’ concern over the deterioration in the situation since the transfer of power to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi on 25 February.

  • 29 March 2012 View: S/PV.6744

    Abstract: During this meeting, the Council adopted a presidential statement on the deterioration situation in Yemen since the 25 February transfer of power.

  • 28 March 2012 View: S/PV.6743

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Mutaboba and Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil), Chair of the Guinea-Bissau country-specific configuration of the PBC.

  • 27 March 2012 View: S/PV.6742

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry.

  • 26 March 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/7

    Abstract: Echoed the press statement of 22 March on Mali that responded to the forcible seizure of power in Mali and called for the restoration of the constitutional order.

  • 26 March 2012 View: S/PV.6741

    Abstract: This was a meeting on Mali.

  • 26 March 2012 View: S/PV.6740

    Abstract: This was a meeting on peacekeeping operations.

  • 23 March 2012 View: S/2012/178

    Abstract: This was a working document assessing the regional threats posed by the proliferation of arms from Libya.

  • 23 March 2012 View: S/2012/175

    Abstract: This report was on UNISFA.

  • 23 March 2012 View: S/2012/176

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the 30-day AU report on AMISOM requested by resolution 2036.

  • 21 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/15

    Abstract: This statement was on the coup in Guinea-Bissau.

  • 21 April 2012 View: S/RES/2043

    Abstract: This resolution established UNSMIS.

  • 20 April 2012 View: S/2012/244

    Abstract: This was a report on the implementation of resolution 1559.

  • 19 April 2012 View: S/PV.6753

    Abstract: This was the debate on "Maintenance of international peace and security: Nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament and security".

  • 19 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/14

    Abstract: The Council adopted this presidential statement following a meeting entitled “Maintenance of international peace and security: Nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament and security”.

  • 19 April 2012 View: S/PV.6754

    Abstract: This was a meeting on Guinea-Bissau.

  • 19 April 2012 View: S/2012/250

    Abstract: This was the preliminary understanding between the UN and Syrian government regarding the working arrangements for UNSMIS.

  • 19 April 2012 View: S/2012/238

    Abstract: This letter contained the Secretary-General's UNSMIS proposal.

  • 18 April 2012 View: S/2012/240

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General to the president of the Council noting the appointment of the Panel of Experts pursuant to resolution 2040.

  • 17 April 2012 View: S/2012/231

    Abstract: This was a quarterly report of the Secretary-General on UNAMID.

  • 16 April 2012 View: S/2012/236

    Abstract: This was the letter from the US to the Secretary-General containing a list of chemical and biological items, materials, equipment, goods and technologies related to other weapons of mass destruction programmes which it anticipated discussing in relation to the PRST (above) of 16 April.

  • 16 April 2012 View: S/2012/235

    Abstract: This was the letter from the US to the Secretary-General containing a list of items, materials, equipment, goods and technology related to ballistic missile programmes, which it anticipated discussing in relation to the PRST (above) of 16 April.

  • 16 April 2012 View: S/2012/230

    Abstract: This was a special report of the Secretary-General on UNMIL.

  • 16 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/13

    Abstract: This statement strongly condemned the DPRK’s launch as a serious violation of resolutions 1718 and 1874, directed the Committee to take steps to update and strengthen the sanctions regime and expressed determination to act in the event of another DPRK launch or nuclear test.

  • 14 April 2012 View: S/PV.6751

    Abstract: At this meeting the Council voted on resolution 2042.

  • 14 April 2012 View: S/RES/2042

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the deployment of 30 military observers to Syria.

  • 12 April 2012 View: S/PV.6750

    Abstract: This was a closed meeting with the troop and police-contributing countries to MINURSO.

  • 12 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/12

    Abstract: This presidential statement concerned the seizure of Heglig by the SPLA.

  • 11 April 2012 View: S/PRST/2012/11

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed a clarification made by the Sierra Leone government on a multi-million dollar purchase of arms.