UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 27 June 1946 View: S/96

    Abstract: These were the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council adopted at its first meeting.

  • 26 June 1946 View: S/PV.49

    Abstract: This was a meeting during which France and the USSR cast a joint veto on the question of whether the “Spanish Question” was a substantive or procedural issue.

  • 16 February 1946 View: S/PV.23

    Abstract: This was a meeting where the USSR vetoed a draft resolution regarding the withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon and Syria and where the UK and France abstained "without prejudice to the question whether a dispute exists".

  • 14 February 1946 View: S/PV.19

    Abstract: During this meeting, article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) was raised on the Lebanon-Syria case.

  • 6 February 1946 View: S/PV.10

    Abstract: During this meeting, the drafts resolutions which were previously introduced and led to a discussion of article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) were withdrawn in favour of a statement by the President of the Council summarising the proceedings.

  • 5 February 1946 View: S/PV.8

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the Greek question on which article 27 (3) of the UN Charter was raised during the previous meeting (S/PV.7).

  • 4 February 1946 View: S/PV.7

    Abstract: During this meeting, the Netherlands asked whether the parties to the dispute shall vote in the matter, referencing article 27 (3) of the UN Charter.

  • 1 February 1946 View: Resolution 64 II

    Abstract: The General Assembly appointed Trygve Lie.

  • 28 January 1946 View: S/PV.3

    Abstract: This was the first time article 27 (3) of the UN Charter was raised by a member of the Security Council.

  • 9 April 1947 View: S/RES/22

    Abstract: This was the Council's recommendation that a legal dispute between the UK and Albania be referred to the ICJ.

  • 10 March 1947 View: S/RES/20

    Abstract: This resolution requested further discussions within the Atomic Energy Commission.

  • 13 February 1947 View: S/RES/18

    Abstract: This resolution recognised that the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces constitute a most important measure for strengthening international peace and security, and established the Commission for Conventional Armaments to deal with armaments other than weapons of mass destruction with a mandate to make proposals for the general reduction of armaments.

  • 10 January 1947 View: S/RES/16

    Abstract: The Council engaged in active discussion of its functions and powers in the context of resolution 16 in the case of Trieste.

  • 14 December 1946 View: A/RES/41 (I)

    Abstract: This resolution recommended that the Council formulate practical measures to provide for the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces, and to assure that such regulation and reduction will be generally observed. In effect this resolution was a reiteration of Council’s obligations under the UN Charter.

  • 29 November 1947 View: A/RES/181 (III)

    Abstract: This resolution contained the General Assembly Partition Plan for the British Mandate of Palestine.

  • 29 November 1947 View: A/RES/181 (II)

    Abstract: This resolution contained the General Assembly Partition Plan for the British Mandate of Palestine.

  • 10 September 1947 View: S/PV.201

    Abstract: During this meeting, the UK abstained from voting on a draft resolution and its amendments on the Egyptian Question according to article 27 (3).

  • 29 August 1947 View: S/PV.200

    Abstract: During this meeting, the UK abstained from voting on a draft resolution and its amendments on the Egyptian Question according to article 27 (3).

  • 1 August 1947 View: S/RES/27

    Abstract: This resolution called upon the Netherlands and Indonesia to cease hostilities.

  • 22 June 1948 View: S/RES/52

    Abstract: This resolution requested further discussions within the Atomic Energy Commission.

  • 29 May 1948 View: S/RES/50

    Abstract: This resolution threatened further actions against the parties and established UNTSO.

  • 24 May 1948 View: S/PV.303

    Abstract: During this meeting, Chile called the veto an "abuse" as article 27 (3) seeks to "prevent a member of the Council from acting as judge in its own case and participating in the decision that may be taken against it".

  • 22 May 1948 View: S/773

    Abstract: This was a US draft resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.

  • 23 April 1948 View: S/RES/48

    Abstract: This resolution established a truce commission for Palestine.

  • 1 April 1948 View: S/RES/44

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to convoke a special session of the Assembly to consider the question of the future government of Palestine.

  • 5 March 1948 View: S/RES/43

    Abstract: This was a call for a truce between Palestinian and Jewish combatant groups.

  • 16 September 1949 View: S/RES/74

    Abstract: This resolution requested further discussions within the Atomic Energy Commission.

  • 4 March 1949 View: S/RES/69

    Abstract: This was the recommendation to the Assembly that Israel be admitted as a member of the UN.

  • 11 December 1948 View: A/RES/194

    Abstract: This was a resolution calling for a right of return for Palestinian refugees.

  • 19 November 1948 View: A/RES/192 (III)

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Security Council pursue the study of the regulation and reduction of conventional armaments and armed forces through the Commission for Conventional Armaments.

  • 16 November 1948 View: S/RES/62

    Abstract: This resolution called for an armistice between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

  • 4 November 1948 View: S/RES/61

    Abstract: This resolution established a committee to advise on taking Chapter VII action if the parties failed to comply with troop withdrawals and truce lines.

  • 18 September 1948 View: S/RES/57

    Abstract: This resolution condemned the murder of the UN Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte.

  • 15 July 1948 View: S/RES/54

    Abstract: This resolution determined that the situation in Palestine was a threat to international peace and security and ordered a cessation of hostilities.

  • 27 June 1950 View: S/RES/83

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force in the context of the Korean War.

  • 25 June 1950 View: S/RES/82

    Abstract: This resolution determined the existence of a breach of the peace related to an armed attack by forces from North Korea into the Republic of Korea.

  • 12 April 1950 View: S/PV.471

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on a decision, explicitly referencing article 27 (3).

  • 14 March 1950 View: S/PV.470

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on the resolution 80.

  • 8 December 1949 View: A/RES/302

    Abstract: This was a resolution on the assistance of Palestine refugees.

  • 23 December 1952 View: S/PV.611

    Abstract: During this meeting, Pakistan abstained from voting on resolution 98 (1952), according to article 27 (3).

  • 30 January 1952 View: S/RES/97

    Abstract: This resolution dissolved the Commission for Conventional Armaments.

  • 11 January 1952 View: A/RES/502 (VI)

    Abstract: This resolution replaced the Atomic Energy Commission and the Commission for Conventional Armaments with the Disarmament Commission.

  • 10 November 1951 View: S/PV.566

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on resolution 96 (1951).

  • 1 September 1951 View: S/RES/95

    Abstract: This resolution called upon Egypt to stop restricting the passage of international commercial shipping and goods through the Suez Canal.

  • 27 August 1951 View: S/PV.555

    Abstract: This meeting was a meeting on the Palestine question during which article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) was raised.

  • 16 August 1951 View: S/PV.553

    Abstract: This meeting was a meeting on the Palestine question during which article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) was raised.

  • 29 May 1951 View: S/PV.548

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on decision, explicitly referencing article 27 (3).

  • 30 April 1951 View: S/PV.543

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on a decision, explicitly referencing Article 27 (3).

  • 30 March 1951 View: S/PV.539

    Abstract: During this meeting, India abstained from voting on resolution 91 (1951), explicitly referencing article 27 (3).

  • 31 January 1951 View: S/PV.572

    Abstract: During this meeting, Pakistan participated in a decision taken without a vote on the India-Pakistan question.

  • 17 November 1950 View: S/PV.524

    Abstract: During this meeting, Egyot abstained from voting on the Palestine Question, explicitly citing Article 27 (3) despite the "lack of precedents".

  • 3 November 1950 View: A/RES/377 (V)

    Abstract: This resolution established the Assembly’s Uniting for Peace procedures.

  • 1 November 1950 View: A/RES/492 (V)

    Abstract: This resolution extended appointment of Trygve Lie for three years, without a Security Council recommendation.

  • 17 December 1954 View: A/RES/814 (IX)

    Abstract: This resolution considered inappropriate for the time being to adopt a resolution on the question of Cyprus.

  • 7 April 1953 View: A/RES/709 (VII)

    Abstract: This resolution appointed Dag Hammarskjöld.

  • 31 March 1953 View: S/PV.617

    Abstract: The Security Council recommended appointment of Dag Hammarskjöld.

  • 14 December 1957 View: A/RES/1229

    Abstract: This resolution renewed appointment of Dag Hammarskjöld.

  • 26 September 1957 View: A/3682

    Abstract: This letter recommended the renewal of appointment of Dag Hammarskjöld.

  • 31 October 1956 View: S/RES/119

    Abstract: This resolution called for an emergency special session of the General Assembly to make recommendations on the Suez issue, due to French and British veto of the previous day's draft Council resolutions.

  • 29 October 1956 View: S/3713/Rev.1

    Abstract: This was a revised draft resolution on the Palestinian question, vetoed by France and the UK.

  • 23 June 1960 View: S/RES/138

    Abstract: This was a resolution on the Adolf Eichmann Question on which Argentina abstained, explicitly referencing Article 27 (3).

  • 23 June 1960 View: S/PV.868

    Abstract: During this meeting, Argentina abstained from voting on resolution 138 (1960), explicitly referencing article 27 (3).

  • 20 November 1959 View: A/RES/1378 (XIV)

    Abstract: This resolution put general and complete disarmament under effective international control on the General Assembly agenda.

  • 7 September 1959 View: S/PV.847

    Abstract: In 1959 Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold brought a letter from Laos before the Council but left the Council the option of deciding whether or not to place the issue on its agenda.

  • 5 December 1958 View: A/RES/1287 (XIII)

    Abstract: This resolution expressed its confidence that continued efforts will be made by the parties to reach a peaceful, democratic and just solution.

  • 9 August 1960 View: S/RES/146

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened ONUC.

  • 22 July 1960 View: S/RES/145

    Abstract: This resolution was on ONUC.

  • 14 July 1960 View: S/RES/143

    Abstract: This resolution established ONUC.

  • Abstract: This was the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961.

  • 21 February 1961 View: S/RES/161

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened ONUC.