UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 20 July 1974 View: S/RES/353

    Abstract: This resolution called on all parties to cease firing, demanded an immediate end to the foreign military intervention in Cyprus and withdrawal of troops and called upon all states to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

  • 31 May 1974 View: S/RES/350

    Abstract: This resolution established UNDOF.

  • 30 May 1974 View: S/11302/Add.1

    Abstract: This report contained the Agreement on Disengagement between Syrian and Israeli Forces.

  • 8 April 1974 View: S/RES/346

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNEF's mandate.

  • 15 December 1973 View: S/RES/344

    Abstract: This resolution declared Council support for convening a peace conference.

  • 27 October 1973 View: S/11052/Rev.1

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the Middle East.

  • 27 October 1973 View: S/RES/341

    Abstract: This resolution established UNEF II.

  • 25 October 1973 View: S/RES/340

    Abstract: This resolution demanded a ceasefire and gave the observer (resolution 339) the status of a UN mission (UNEF II).

  • 23 October 1973 View: S/RES/339

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to immediately dispatch observers to supervise the ceasefire.

  • 22 October 1973 View: S/RES/338

    Abstract: This resolution decided that, concurrently with a ceasefire, peace negotiations should start in the context of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War.

  • 1 November 1974 View: A/RES/3212 (XXIX)

    Abstract: This resolution called for the withdrawal of foreign troops, considered that the constitutional system concerned Greek and Turkish Cypriots, called upon the parties to take urgent measures for the return of refugees and requested the Secretary-General to continue his good offices.

  • 24 October 1974 View: S/PV.1801

    Abstract: During this meeting, Madagascar raised the issue of whether the provision of substantial diplomatic, political or military support to a state in a dispute may constitute grounds for the supporting state to become a party subject to article 27 (3).

  • 30 August 1974 View: S/RES/361

    Abstract: This resolution expressed grave concern at the plight of refugees, urged the parties concerned to search for peaceful solutions, requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the situation of the refugees and decided to keep that situation under constant review.

  • 16 August 1974 View: S/RES/360

    Abstract: This resolution urged the parties to resume negotiations “whose outcome should not be impeded or prejudged by the acquisition of advantages resulting from military operations.”

  • 15 August 1974 View: S/RES/359

    Abstract: This resolution deplored the killing and wounding of UNFICYP personnel “as a direct result of the military action which is still continuing in Cyprus”.

  • 12 March 1975 View: S/RES/367

    Abstract: This resolution regretted the unilateral decision to create a “Federated Turkish State” and stated that it would not prejudge the final political settlement of the problem of Cyprus.

  • 13 December 1974 View: S/RES/365

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed General Assembly resolution 3212 (XXIX).

  • 9 December 1974 View: A/RES/3263 (XXIX)

    Abstract: This resolution raised a question of a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East.

  • 22 November 1974 View: A/RES/3237

    Abstract: This resolution granted the PLO observer status at the General Assembly.

  • 22 November 1974 View: A/RES/3236

    Abstract: This resolution recognised the Palestinians' right to sovereignty.

  • 6 February 1976 View: S/PV.1888

    Abstract: During this meeting, article 27 (3) on obligatory abstentions was only raised after the vote.

  • 13 December 1975 View: S/RES/383

    Abstract: This resolution reaffirmed the provision of resolution 186.

  • 11 December 1975 View: A/RES/3472 B (XXX)

    Abstract: This resolution outlined the criteria for nuclear weapons-free zones.

  • 10 November 1975 View: A/RES/3379 (XXX)

    Abstract: This resolution decided that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.

  • 6 November 1975 View: S/RES/380

    Abstract: This resolution deplored Morocco's movement into the territory.

  • 22 October 1975 View: S/RES/377

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to consult with the parties.

  • 10 November 1976 View: S/12226

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on the application for membership of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, vetoed, by the US on 15 November 1976.

  • 6 April 1976 View: S/RES/388

    Abstract: This resolution urged compliance with Council resolutions on Southern Rhodesia, inter alia.

  • 22 March 1976 View: S/PV.1894

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 22 February 1976 View: Resolution 4 (XXXII)

    Abstract: This was a resolution from the Commission on Human Rights calling for the intensification of efforts aimed at tracing and accounting for missing persons.

  • 6 December 1977 View: A/RES/32/128

    Abstract: This resolution requested the establishment of an investigatory body with the participation of the Red Cross to speedily resolve the issue of missing persons in Cyprus.

  • 9 November 1977 View: A/RES/32/15

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Council to adopt “all appropriate and practical measures under the Charter” for ensuring the implementation of resolutions on Cyprus, “within a time frame.”

  • 4 November 1977 View: S/RES/418

    Abstract: This resolution imposed a mandatory ban on all states from engaging in "any cooperation with South Africa in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons".

  • 15 June 1977 View: S/RES/410

    Abstract: This resolution emphasised the need for the parties to adhere to the High Level agreement reached on 12 February 1977.

  • 27 May 1977 View: S/RES/409

    Abstract: This resolution urged compliance with Council resolutions on Southern Rhodesia, inter alia.

  • 30 April 1977 View: S/12323

    Abstract: This report contained the 12 February agreement between the two leaders.

  • 8 December 1976 View: A/RES/31/60

    Abstract: This resolution renewed appointment of Kurt Waldheim.

  • 7 December 1976 View: S/RES/400

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the reappointment of Kurt Waldheim.

  • 18 September 1978 View: S/PV.2085

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 30 June 1978 View: A/S-10/2

    Abstract: This was the final document of the General Assembly’s first Special Session on disarmament.

  • 3 May 1978 View: S/RES/427

    Abstract: This resolution approved the Secretary-General’s request to increase the strength of UNIFIL.

  • 19 March 1978 View: S/RES/426

    Abstract: This resolution established UNIFIL.

  • 19 March 1978 View: S/12611

    Abstract: This was a report from the Secretary-General on Lebanon.

  • 19 March 1978 View: S/RES/425

    Abstract: This resolution called for strict respect for the international integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon, urged Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory, and established UNIFIL.

  • 9 December 1977 View: S/RES/421

    Abstract: This resolution established a sanctions committee to monitor the arms embargo against South Africa.

  • 21 November 1979 View: A/RES/34/37

    Abstract: This resolution referred to “the continued occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco”.

  • 20 July 1979 View: S/RES/452

    Abstract: The Council accepted the recommendations in a report (S/13450) submitted by a commission it set up to look into the Israeli settlements.

  • 19 July 1979 View: S/PV.2157

    Abstract: This was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 15 June 1979 View: S/RES/451

    Abstract: This resolution urged the parties to proceed with inter-communal talks within the framework of the 19 May High Level agreement.

  • 31 May 1979 View: S/13369

    Abstract: This report contained the agreement reached between the two leaders on 18 and 19 May 1979.

  • 22 March 1979 View: S/RES/446

    Abstract: This resolution declared that settlements in occupied territories have no legal validity and the legal status of Jerusalem cannot be validly altered unilaterally.

  • 9 November 1978 View: A/RES/33/15

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Council to adopt “all appropriate and practical measures under the Charter” for ensuring the implementation of resolutions on Cyprus, “within a time frame.”

  • 23 October 1978 View: S/RES/438

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNEF’s mandate.

  • 8 May 1980 View: S/RES/468

    Abstract: This resolution called upon Israel to rescind the expulsion of three Palestinian leaders from Hebron and Halhoul.

  • 1 March 1980 View: S/RES/465

    Abstract: This resolution deplored Israeli settlement policy in the occupied territories and reiterated that the settlements have no legal validity.

  • 25 February 1980 View: S/PV.2200

    Abstract: This was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 14 January 1980 View: A/RES/ES-6/2

    Abstract: In an emergency session, the General Assembly condemned the invasion of Afghanistan by Soviet troops.

  • 9 January 1980 View: S/RES/462

    Abstract: This resolution invoked Uniting for Peace by calling for an emergency session of the General Assembly, following a veto by the Soviet Union on a draft resolution that would have called on its forces to withdraw from Afghanistan.

  • 19 June 1981 View: S/RES/487

    Abstract: This resolution strongly condemned Israel’s military attack, considered that the attack constitute a serious threat to the entire safeguards regime of the IAEA and called upon Israel to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards.

  • 12 June 1981 View: S/14532

    Abstract: This resolution condemned Israel for the “unjustified attack” on Iraq’s Osirak reactor, reaffirmed that the Agency’s safeguards system was the only reliable means of verifying peaceful use of nuclear facilities, and requested the Director-General to submit this resolution to the Security Council.

  • 19 December 1980 View: S/RES/484

    Abstract: This resolution reaffirmed the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to Israeli treatment of civilians in the Palestinian territories.

  • 11 November 1980 View: A/RES/35/19

    Abstract: This was a resolution that referred to “the continued occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco”.

  • 20 August 1980 View: S/RES/478

    Abstract: This resolution censured Israeli enactment of the “basic law” on Jerusalem.

  • 30 June 1980 View: S/RES/476

    Abstract: This resolution reconfirmed the illegality of Israeli actions to change the character and status of Jerusalem.

  • 20 May 1980 View: S/RES/469

    Abstract: This resolution deplored Israel’s failure to implement resolution 468.

  • 13 March 1983 View: A/RES/37/253

    Abstract: This resolution expressed support for the inter-communal talks and 1977-1979 agreements, considered the withdrawal of all occupation forces from the Republic of Cyprus as an essential basis for the solution of the problem and called for the respect of freedom of settlement and right to property.

  • 21 December 1982 View: S/96/Rev.7

    Abstract: This is the most current version of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council.

  • 18 October 1982 View: S/RES/523

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL by 3 months and authorised it to conduct humanitarian tasks.

  • 17 September 1982 View: S/RES/520

    Abstract: This resolution condemned the Israeli incursions and demanded an Israeli withdrawal.

  • 1 August 1982 View: S/RES/516

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the deployment of military observers in and around Beirut.