UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 25 September 1991 View: S/RES/713

    Abstract: This resolution marked the start of the UN's involvement in the former Yugoslavia. It imposed sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 31 January 1992 View: S/PV.3046

    Abstract: This was the first Security Council meeting held at the level of heads of state. During the summit, several heads of state talked about human rights as being an integral part of peace and security. The Council adopted a statement in which it noted that human rights verification had become one of the tasks of UN peacekeeping.

  • 31 January 1992 View: S/23500

    Abstract: This statement underlined the need for all member states to fulfil their obligations in relation to arms control and disarmament, to prevent the proliferation of WMD; to avoid excessive accumulations and transfers of arms; emphasised the importance of ratification and implementation by states of international and regional arms control arrangements; and recognised that the proliferation of WMD constitutes a threat to international peace and security. It also requested the Secretary-General recommend ways to strengthen and make the UN more efficient.

  • 23 January 1992 View: S/RES/733

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo.

  • 23 January 1992 View: S/PV.3039

    Abstract: This was the Council meeting adopting resolution 733.

  • 20 January 1992 View: S/23445

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Charge d’affaires of Somalia, Fatun Mohamed Hassan, requesting a meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Somalia.

  • 16 December 1991 View: A/RES/46/86

    Abstract: This resolution revoked the resolution which described Zionism as racism (A/RES/3379).

  • 15 December 1991 View: S/RES/724

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 9 December 1991 View: A/RES/46/36 L

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Register of Conventional Arms.

  • 21 November 1991 View: S/RES/720

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the appointment of Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

  • 28 February 1992 View: S/RES/745

    Abstract: This resolution decided to established UNTA.

  • 21 February 1992 View: S/RES/743

    Abstract: This resolution established UNPROFOR.

  • 31 March 1992 View: S/RES/731

    Abstract: This resolution condemned the destruction of Pan American flight 103.

  • 17 March 1992 View: S/RES/746

    Abstract: This resolution supported the Secretary-General’s proposal to send a technical team to Somalia.

  • 12 March 1992 View: S/23693/Corr.1

    Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the Secretary-General report S/23693.

  • 11 March 1992 View: S/23693

    Abstract: This report was prepared in response to Security Council request in resolution 733.

  • Abstract: This resolution decided to establish the mandate of a Special on human rights in Myanmar.

  • 31 March 1992 View: S/RES/748

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo and selective travel ban on Libya, and established a sanctions committee.

  • 3 April 1992 View: S/23780

    Abstract: This report outlined the “Set of Ideas on an overall framework agreement on Cyprus”.

  • 17 June 1992 View: S/24111

    Abstract: This was the report An Agenda for Peace in which Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali noted that peace-building after civil or international strife must address the serious problem of landmines.

  • 30 May 1992 View: S/RES/757

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 15 May 1992 View: S/RES/752

    Abstract: This resolution contained a list of demands to the parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Abstract: This was the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol of 1 December 1997.

  • 24 April 1992 View: S/RES/751

    Abstract: This resolution established UN Operation in Somalia I (UNOSOM I) and a Sanctions Committee.

  • 21 April 1992 View: S/23829

    Abstract: This report was on the situation in Somalia and highlighted progress made in implementing the arms embargo.

  • 10 April 1992 View: S/RES/750

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed the Secretary-Genera "Set of Ideas".

  • 27 July 1992 View: S/RES/767

    Abstract: This resolution was on UNOSOM.

  • 22 July 1992 View: S/24343

    Abstract: This report was on the situation in Somalia and highlighted arms flow to the country.

  • 21 July 1992 View: S/RES/766

    Abstract: This resolution on Cambodia demanded that one of the parties to permit without delay the deployment of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).

  • 30 June 1992 View: S/RES/762

    Abstract: This resolution authoriz=sed the strengthening of the force.

  • 29 June 1992 View: S/RES/761

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the additional deployment of the United Nations Protection Force.

  • 28 August 1992 View: S/RES/775

    Abstract: This resolution expanded and strengthened UNOSOM's mandate to protect humanitarian convoys and distribution centres.

  • 26 August 1992 View: S/RES/774

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed the Set of Ideas.

  • 13 August 1992 View: S/RES/770

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force in Bosnia and Herzegovina to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

  • 11 August 1992 View: S/PV.3105

    Abstract: During this meeting, the Council decided for the first time to invite a Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights (Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iraq Max Van der Stoel) to address the body during a meeting on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait.

  • 7 August 1992 View: S/24393

    Abstract: This was a letter from Belgium requesting that the Security Council invite the CHR Special Rapporteur on Iraq, Max van der Stoel, to address the Council.

  • 7 August 1992 View: S/24394

    Abstract: This was a letter from France requesting that the Security Council invite the CHR Special Rapporteur on Iraq, Max van der Stoel, to address the Council.

  • 7 August 1992 View: S/24395

    Abstract: This was a letter from the UK requesting that the Council invite the CHR Special Rapporteur on Iraq, Max van der Stoel, to address the Council.

  • 7 August 1992 View: S/24396

    Abstract: This was a letter from the US requesting that the Security Council invite the CHR Special Rapporteur on Iraq, Max van der Stoel to address the Council.

  • 7 August 1992 View: S/RES/769

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the enlargement of UNPROFOR's mandate.

  • 30 October 1992 View: S/RES/785

    Abstract: This resolution demanded that hostilities in Angola cease immediately.

  • 29 October 1992 View: S/PV.3128

    Abstract: This was the discussion “An Agenda for Peace: Preventive Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Peace-keeping”.

  • 20 October 1992 View: S/24683

    Abstract: This was a note by the president of the Security Council on the mission of the Council to Angola, 11 to 14 October 1992 (oral report).

  • 13 October 1992 View: S/RES/783

    Abstract: This resolution deplored the lack of compliance of one of the parties with resolution 766 on Cambodia.

  • 6 October 1992 View: S/24623

    Abstract: The Council decided to send to Angola an ad hoc commission composed of members of the Council to support the implementation of the peace agreements.

  • 6 October 1992 View: S/RES/780

    Abstract: This resolution asked the Secretary-General to appoint an international commission to provide recommendations on how to address the situation in the former Yugoslavia.

  • 6 October 1992 View: S/RES/779

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the UN Protection Force to assume responsibility for monitoring the arrangements agreed.

  • 19 September 1992 View: S/RES/777

    Abstract: This resolution decided to consider the membership of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

  • 14 September 1992 View: S/RES/776

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened UNPROFOR.

  • 10 September 1992 View: S/24540

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on UNPROFOR.

  • 3 December 1992 View: S/RES/794

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force in Somalia (UNITAF).

  • 30 November 1992 View: S/RES/793

    Abstract: This resolution demanded that hostilities in Angola cease immediately.

  • 30 November 1992 View: S/RES/792

    Abstract: This resolution mandated UNTAC to proceed with preparations for free and fair elections.

  • 29 November 1992 View: S/24868

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General recommended that Unified Task Force (UNITAF) be deployed.

  • 23 November 1992 View: S/PV.3139

    Abstract: The Council invited the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iraq, Max Van der Stoel, to address the Council on the situation in between Kuwait and Iraq.

  • 19 November 1992 View: S/RES/788

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo on Liberia.

  • 16 November 1992 View: S/RES/787

    Abstract: This resolution authorised a naval blockade in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 13 November 1992 View: S/PV.3134

    Abstract: The Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Right on the former Yugoslavia, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, was invited to address the Council during a meeting on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 5 February 1993 View: S/RES/806

    Abstract: This resolution expanded UNIKOM’s mandate.

  • 29 January 1993 View: S/RES/804

    Abstract: This resolution condemned UNITA’s rejection of election results in Angola.

  • 11 January 1993 View: S/25091

    Abstract: This presidential statement found Iraq in material breach of resolution 687.

  • 16 December 1992 View: S/RES/797

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN operation in Mozambique.

  • 11 December 1992 View: A/RES/47/62

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to invite member states to submit written comments on a possible review of Council membership and asked the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly a report containing the comments of member states on the subject at its 48th session.

  • 31 March 1993 View: S/RES/816

    Abstract: This resolution authorised enforcement of the flight ban on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 30 March 1993 View: S/25492

    Abstract: This report warned that as a result of reductions by troop contributors in the size of their contingents, UNFICYP’s strength had been reduced from 2,141 in May 1992 to 1,513 in March 1993, and additional reductions would make UNFICYP unviable.

  • 26 March 1993 View: S/RES/814

    Abstract: This resolution established UN Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II) under Chapter VII.

  • 22 February 1993 View: S/RES/808

    Abstract: This resolution established the ICTY.

  • 19 February 1993 View: S/RES/807

    Abstract: This resolution authorised UNPROFOR to use force under Chapter VII for the mission’s security.

  • 11 May 1993 View: S/RES/825

    Abstract: This resolution urged the DPRK to reconsider its announcement to withdraw from the NPT and abide by its international obligations.

  • 6 May 1993 View: S/RES/824

    Abstract: This resolution established safe areas in Bosnia and related UNPROFOR responsibilities.