UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 29 June 2001 View: S/2001/640

    Abstract: This note indicated that the Council president should draw the attention of members and regional organisations to Council decisions and relevant presidential press statements, while the Secretariat should make non-state actors aware of resolutions, presidential statements of the Council and presidential press statements.

  • 28 June 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/16

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on HIV/AIDS and international peacekeeping.

  • 27 June 2001 View: A/55/999

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council to the President of the General Assembly on the appointment of Kofi Annan.

  • 22 June 2001 View: S/PV.4335

    Abstract: The Council discussed the recent first full Council mission to Kosovo.

  • 22 June 2001 View: S/2001/626

    Abstract: This was a letter from the representative of Pakistan with proposals regarding the improvement in the Council relationship with TCCs.

  • 21 June 2001 View: S/PV.4334

    Abstract: This meeting focused on the role of the Security Council in the prevention of armed conflict and the report of the Secretary-General on the prevention of armed conflict (S/2001/574).

  • 21 June 2001 View: S/2001/614

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council to the Secretary-General concerning the recommendations contained in the first two reports on protection of civilians, encouraging closer cooperation between OCHA and DPKO and also requesting that an aide-mémoire be drafted in close cooperation with the Council..

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of the meeting on the role of the Security Council in the prevention of armed conflict and the report of the Secretary-General on the prevention of armed conflict (S/2001/574).

  • 20 June 2001 View: S/2001/613

    Abstract: This was Secretary-General's report that addressed Moroccan’s attempts to construct a road in the buffer zone.

  • 19 June 2001 View: S/PV.4331

    Abstract: Anwarul Karim Chowdhury President of the Security Council, presented the report of the first full Council mission to Kosovo, which included a visit to Belgrade.

  • 26 July 2001 View: S/PV.4350

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Jean-Marie Guéhenno noted that preparations for elections were underway. The Council underlined the importance of participation of minorities in the elections.

  • 25 July 2001 View: S/2001/732

    Abstract: This was a concept note from Colombia for the 2 August open debate on small arms.

  • 20 July 2001 View: A/CONF.192/15

    Abstract: This was the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

  • 17 July 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/18

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the situation in the Central African Republic.

  • 13 July 2001 View: S/2001/695

    Abstract: This was the report on the effects of the sanctions and indicated that the hardships in Afghanistan were caused primarily by the ongoing conflict, not the sanctions regime.

  • 6 July 2001 View: S/2001/671

    Abstract: This was a Russian proposal on enhancing the activities of the Military Staff Committee.

  • 2 July 2001 View: S/2001/660

    Abstract: This was the third report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Peace-building Support Office in the Central African Republic (BONUCA).

  • 27 August 2001 View: S/2002/759

    Abstract: This was a letter from Syria to the President of the Council containing a summary of the 28 June wrap-up session on the Council's work for the month.

  • 17 August 2001 View: S/2001/789

    Abstract: This was the report on difficulties encountered by UNSMA to develop peace talks between the Taliban and other factions in Afghanistan and the alarming humanitarian situation.

  • 7 August 2001 View: S/PV.6180

    Abstract: This was the meeting record of the Council’s open debate on women, peace and security.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on small arms.

  • Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the resumption of a meeting on small arms.

  • 2 August 2001 View: S/PV.4355

    Abstract: This was a debate on small arms.

  • 31 July 2001 View: S/RES/1365

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed the continued contribution of UNIFIL to operational demining and stressed the necessity to provide the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL with any additional maps and records on the location of mines.

  • 30 July 2001 View: S/PV.4352

    Abstract: This meeting requested a mechanism for tracking the impact of the sanctions imposed on the Taliban.

  • 30 July 2001 View: S/RES/1363

    Abstract: This resolution established the monitoring mechanism (the Monitoring Group (MG)) and the Sanctions Enforcement Support Team (up to 15 members with expertise in customs, border security and counter-terrorism). The MG was also tasked with offering assistance to states neighbouring Afghanistan to increase their capacity to implement the sanctions.

  • 30 August 2001 View: S/RES/1366

    Abstract: This resolution addressed the issue of DDR in UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding mandates and stated that preventing armed conflict was a major part of the Council's work.

  • 28 August 2001 View: S/PV.4359

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Guéhenno and the Council expressed concern at low voter registration for minorities in Kosovo.

  • 27 August 2001 View: S/2001/822

    Abstract: This was a letter from Colombia to the President of the Council on the 31 August 2001 wrap-up session.

  • 17 September 2001 View: S/PV.4373

    Abstract: This was a discussion in a closed meeting including Hans Haekkerup as well as Nebojša Covic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

  • 12 September 2001 View: S/RES/1368

    Abstract: This resolution condemned the attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States, and called on states to bring justice to the perpetrators, organisers and sponsors of those terrorist acts.

  • 7 September 2001 View: S/2001/852

    Abstract: This reported on the implementation of resolution 1314 and covered the measures needed to protect children during and after armed conflict.

  • 4 September 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/21

    Abstract: This was a statement on small arms. It requested the Secretary-General to submit a report by September 2002 containing specific recommendations on ways and means in which the Council could contribute to dealing with the question of illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.

  • 31 August 2001 View: S/PV.4363

    Abstract: This was the public meeting of the wrap-up discussion for the Council's work for the month, held under the presidency of Colombia.

  • 31 August 2001 View: S/PV.4362

    Abstract: This was a debate on small arms.

  • 4 October 2001 View: S/2001/937

    Abstract: The Council took note with appreciation of the Secretary-General's reappointment of Lakhdar Brahimi as his Special Representative for Afghanistan.

  • 2 October 2001 View: S/2001/926

    Abstract: This report noted that the primary focus of UNMIK had been on preparing the Kosovo-wide elections, and the acceleration of the transfer of authority at the municipal level.

  • 28 September 2001 View: S/RES/1373

    Abstract: This resolution placed barriers on the movement, organisation and fund-raising activities of terrorist groups and imposed legislative, policy and reporting requirements on member states to assist the global struggle against terrorism. It also established a Counter-Terrorism Committee to monitor state compliance with these provisions.

  • 26 September 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/25

    Abstract: This presidential statement requested the Secretary-General to regularly inform the Council on the Central African Republic and welcomed the UN Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic.

  • 24 September 2001 View: S/2001/900

    Abstract: This was a report of the working group on peacekeeping operations.

  • 21 September 2001 View: S/2001/886

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic pursuant to the statement by the President.

  • 18 September 2001 View: S/RES/1370

    Abstract: The Council expressed its continued deep concern at the reports of human rights abuses and attacks committed by the RUF, the Civil Defence Forces (CDF) and other armed groups and individuals, against the civilian population, in particular the widespread violation of the human rights of women and children, including sexual violence.

  • 9 November 2001 View: S/PV.4409

    Abstract: The Council called for all Kosovo men and women to vote.

  • 9 November 2001 View: S/RES/1376

    Abstract: This resolution determined that the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continued to pose a threat to international peace and security in the region.

  • 31 October 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/31

    Abstract: This statement on women, peace and security emphasised the importance of gender perspectives in policies and programmes addressing armed conflict, especially peacekeeping operations.

  • 31 October 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/30

    Abstract: This presidential statement considered the Secretary-General's report of 11 October and confirmed support for the Arta peace process.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of an open debate on general issues related to sanctions and its continuation.

  • Abstract: This was the correction of the resumption of an open debate on general issues related to sanctions and its continuation.

  • 22 October 2001 View: S/PV.4394

    Abstract: This was an open debate on general issues related to sanctions and its continuation.

  • 19 October 2001 View: S/RES/1374

    Abstract: This resolution requested the monitoring mechanism to provide the Committee within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution with a detailed action plan for its future work.

  • 10 October 2001 View: S/2001/976

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Permanent Representative of France to the Secretary-General of the French assessment of its September 2001 Council presidency.

  • 9 October 2001 View: A/56/453

    Abstract: This was the report by the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 5 October 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/27

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed upcoming elections.

  • 5 October 2001 View: S/PV.4388

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Hans Haekkerup, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on upcoming elections.

  • 14 November 2001 View: S/RES/1378

    Abstract: This resolution supported efforts by the Afghan people to establish a new transitional broad-based multi-ethnic government, and affirmed that the UN should play a central role in the establishment of this transitional government.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on the situation in Afghanistan emphasising that Afghanistan was one of the greatest challenges before the UN.

  • 12 November 2001 View: S/PV.4413

    Abstract: This was a ministerial-level meeting of the Security Council on terrorism.

  • 12 November 2001 View: S/RES/1377

    Abstract: This resolution called on states to become party to the relevant international conventions and protocols relating to terrorism, to implement 1373 and to assist each other in doing so.

  • 10 November 2001 View: S/2001/1072

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General transmitting the addendum to the report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • 9 November 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/34

    Abstract: This presidential statement called on all Kosovo's men and women to vote.

  • 4 December 2001 View: S/2001/1155

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the report of the subregional conference on the protection of women and children in armed conflict in central Africa, held at Kinshasa from 14 to 16 November 2001.

  • 30 November 2001 View: S/PV.4432

    Abstract: This was the public meeting of a wrap-up discussion on the Council's work for the month, held under the presidency of Jamaica.

  • 29 November 2001 View: S/2001/1129

    Abstract: This letter welcomed the intention of the Secretary-General to establish UNOWA for three years from January 2002 to 31 December 2004, subject to a review after its first year of operation.

  • 27 November 2001 View: S/PV.4430

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Heidi Annabi noted the smooth election held on 17 November, with a voter turnout of 64.3 percent. It also noted "The Common Document," signed by UNMIK and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 5 November.

  • 26 November 2001 View: S/2001/1128

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General outlining the functions of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa.

  • 21 November 2001 View: S/PV.4424

    Abstract: This was a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 20 November 2001 View: S/RES/1379

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to attach to his report a list of parties to armed conflict that recruit or use children.

  • 20 November 2001 View: S/PV.4423

    Abstract: This was a debate on children and armed conflict.

  • 20 November 2001 View: S/PV.4422

    Abstract: This was a debate on children and armed conflict.

  • Abstract: This was a debate on children and armed conflict.