UN Human Rights Council Documents

Human Rights Council Documents View full list
9 January 2015 A/HRC/WG.6/21/GNB/1 This was the report of the second Universal Periodic Review of Guinea-Bissau.
8 January 2015 A/HRC/28/53 This report provided a summary of a 24 September 2014 panel discussion on human rights in South Sudan.
8 January 2015 A/HRC/28/48 This was the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Afghanistan and on developments in technical assistance in the field of human rights in 2014.
29 December 2014 A/HRC/28/54 This was the annual report of Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict Leila Zerrougui.
22 December 2014 A/HRC/28/12 This was the report on Iran by the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review.
19 December 2014 S/2014/928 This was the final report of the CAR Commission of Inquiry.
21 November 2014 CCPR/C/ISR/CO/4 This was the concluding observations on the fourth periodic report on Israel of the Human Rights Committee monitoring implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
16 October 2014 A/HRC/RES/S-21/1 This was a HRC resolution condemning widespread, systematic and gross violations of international human rights arising from Israeli military operations carried out in the Occupied Palestinian Territories beginning on 13 June 2014.
26 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/28 This Human Rights Council Resolution condemned widespread violations and abuses of human rights perpetrated by all actors and renewed for one year the mandate of the independent expert on human rights in the CAR.
26 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/29 This was a Human Rights Council resolution on technical assistance and capacity-building in Sudan.
26 September 2014 A/HRC/PRST/27/4 This HRC presidential statement urged states to respect human rights when implementing measures to combat Ebola.
26 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/27 This was a Human Rights Council resolution on technical assistance and capacity-building for human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
25 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/16 This was a Human Rights Council resolution that strongly condemned the lack of cooperation by the Syrian authorities with the Commission of Inquiry and decided to transmit all of the Commission’s reports to the General Assembly and the Secretary-General for “appropriate action”. Current Security Council members Argentina, Chile, France, the Republic of Korea, the UK and US voted in favour of the resolution with Russia and China voting against.
25 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/19 This was a resolution on technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights.
24 September 2014 A/HRC/27/74 This was the High Commissioner's interim report on the human rights situation in South Sudan.