UN Human Rights Council Documents

Human Rights Council Documents View full list
28 June 2013 A/HRC/DEC/23/114 This report concerned assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.
14 June 2013 A/HRC/RES/23/26 This resolution demanded that Syria cooperate fully with the Commission of Inquiry and also asked for a report on the human rights of IDPs.
12 June 2013 A/HRC/23/38 This was a report of the independent expert, Doudou Diène, on the situation of human rights in Côte d'Ivoire presented at the 23rd session of the Human Rights Council.
6 June 2013 A/HRC/23/57 This was the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Mali.
30 May 2013 A/HRC/23/39/Add.2 This was a report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai.
29 May 2013 A/HRC/RES/23/1 This resolution requested the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the events in Al Qusayr, it was adopted following a three-hour urgent debate held at the request of Qatar, Turkey and the US.
16 April 2013 A/HRC/PRST/22/2 This statement renewed the mandate of the independent expert for one year.
15 April 2013 A/HRC/RES/22/23 This was a Human Rights Council resolution extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran for one year.
28 March 2013 A/HRC/22/33 Corr.1 This was the Human Rights Commission report on Mali.
21 March 2013 A/HRC/RES/22/13 This was a Human Rights Council resolution on the DPRK establishing a commission of inquiry for one year.
21 March 2013 A/HRC/RES/22/19 This resolution urged Libya to continue to investigate all violations of human rights, to guarantee fair trials, to continue its efforts to prevent cases of arbitrary arrest and ill-treatment of detainees, to take further steps to protect freedom of religion and belief and to expedite the return of all persons displaced by the conflict zone since 2011.
21 March 2013 A/HRC/RES/22/18 This resolution established a mandate for an independent expert on the situation of human rights in Mali.
12 March 2013 A/HRC/23/6 This was the Human Rights Council Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review on Mali
6 March 2013 A/HRC/22/35 This was the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.
6 March 2013 A/HRC/22/35/Add.1 This was the addendum to the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.