UN Human Rights Council Documents

Human Rights Council Documents View full list
11 February 2016 A/HRC/31/68 The 11th report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria.
3 February 2016 A/HRC/31/CRP.1 The Commission of Inquiry's thematic report, Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Deaths in Detention in the Syrian Arab Republic, examines the killing of detainees by all parties.
1 February 2016 A/HRC/31/38 This was a report to the Human Rights Council from the OHCHR.
22 January 2016 A/HRC/31/78 This wasd the report of the independent expert on capacity-building and technical cooperation with Côte d’Ivoire in the field of human rights
21 January 2016 A/HRC/31/76 This was a report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Mali, Suliman Baldo, covering the period from 1 May to 29 December 2015.
19 January 2016 A/HRC/31/70 This was a report to the Human Rights Council by the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK.
2 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/18 This Human Rights Council resolution requested the High Commissioner of Human Rights to provide Yemen technical assistance in the field of human rights and to assist a national commission of inquiry.
2 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/20 This was a resolution on assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.
2 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/22 This was on the human rights situation in Sudan.
1 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/10 Was a resolution condemning the violation of human rights in Syria with 29 votes in favour, six against (including Security Council members Russia, China and Venezuela) and 12 abstentions, including Security Council member Nigeria.
29 September 2015 A/HRC/RES/33/4 This was a Human Rights Council resolution that renewed the mandate of the Working Group on Mercenaries.
29 September 2015 A/HRC/30/57 The Human Rights Council considered the report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Bahame Nyanduga, during its 30th session in September.
7 September 2015 A/HRC/30/31 This was a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights report on Yemen, which recommended establishing an international mechanism to investigate alleged human rights violations.
24 August 2015 A/HRC/30/60 This was the report of the independent expert on the human rights situation in Sudan.
13 August 2015 A/HRC/30/48 The 10th report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria.