UN Documents for Haiti: Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports Return to full list
26 March 2008 S/2008/202 This was a Secretary-General's reports on MINUSTAH.
22 August 2007 S/2007/503 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
19 December 2006 S/2006/1003 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
28 July 2006 S/2006/592 This was a Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
1 January 2006 S/2006/60 This report noted that the demands of reforming the Haitian National Police may exceed MINUSTAH's capacity and recommended the continuation of the mission for six months, during which time recommendations on MINUSTAH's role in the post-electoral environment would be formulated.
6 October 2005 S/2005/631 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
23 June 2005 S/2005/313/Add.1 This was the addendum of the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
13 May 2005 S/2005/313 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
25 January 2005 S/2005/124 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.
18 November 2004 S/2004/908 This was a Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH
30 August 2004 S/2004/698 This was a Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH
16 April 2004 S/2004/300 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.