UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
5 August 2024 S/2024/591 This was the summary of the IEG’s 25 June meeting on Libya.
31 July 2024 S/2024/584 This was a letter from Iran accusing Israel of the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on 31 July. The letter invokes Article 51 of the UN Charter saying that Iran will not hesitate to "respond decisively and promptly".
30 July 2024 S/2024/573 This was a concept note prepared by Sierra Leone for a briefing on “Sustaining women, peace and security commitments in the context of accelerated drawdown of peace operations”.
24 July 2024 S/2024/567 This was a letter from the Secretary-General recommending that the Council extend the mandate of UNIFIL for another year.
12 June 2024 S/2024/468 This was a letter from the Republic of Korea, transmitting the concept note for the Security Council's annual open debate on children and armed conflict, held on 26 June 2024.
11 June 2024 S/2024/460 This was the Secretary-General’s annual review of UNMHA.
31 May 2024 A/78/902-S/2024/430 This was a letter from Japan containing a summary of the open debate held on 13 and 19 March on “Promoting conflict prevention – empowering all actors including women and youth” under the agenda item "Peacebuilding and sustaining peace”.
23 May 2024 S/2024/404 This was advice from the Peacebuilding Commission for the Council debate on the “Maintenance of international peace and security: the role of women and young people”, which was held on 28 May 2024.
8 May 2024 S/2024/373 This was the summary of the IEG’s 8 May meeting on Iraq.
6 May 2024 S/2024/362 This was a letter from Sudan requesting a meeting of the Security Council to consider alleged support provided by the United Arab Emirates to the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan.
2 May 2024 S/2024/359 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Mozambique addressed to the Secretary-General, transmitting the concept note for the Security Council open debate on "Protection of civilians in armed conflict: 25th anniversary of Security Council resolution 1265 (1999)".
1 May 2024 S/2024/357 This letter from the Secretary-General reiterated the recommendation made in his letter dated 10 November 2023 (S/2023/865) that the Council terminate the reporting obligations of the Secretariat under resolution 2391.
30 April 2024 A/78/870-S/2024/339 This letter contained the terms of reference for the 2025 review of the UN peacebuilding architecture.
26 April 2024 S/2024/345 This was a letter from Sudan requesting a meeting of the Security Council to consider alleged support provided by the United Arab Emirates to the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan.
26 April 2024 S/2024/343 The final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2206 South Sudan Sanctions Committee submitted pursuant to resolution 2683 (2023).