UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
26 May 2022 S/2022/434 This letter transmitted the eighth report of the Special Adviser and head of UNITAD.
13 May 2022 S/2022/391 This was the concept note for the ministerial-level debate on conflict and food security.
5 May 2022 S/2022/385 This was the summary of the IEG’s 8 April meeting on Colombia.
29 April 2022 S_2022_369 This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council conveying the findings of a strategic assessment of BINUH.
29 April 2022 S/2022/369 This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council conveying the findings of a strategic assessment of BINUH.
25 April 2022 S/2022/353 This was a PBC letter of advice to the Security Council for a 27 April meeting on the Great Lakes region.
20 April 2022 S/2022/338 This was the concept note for the 21 April Arria-formula meeting on conflict and hunger.
19 April 2022 S/2022/329 This was a Secretary-General's letter appointing the CAR Panel of Experts.
18 April 2022 S/2022/325 This was a letter from Sudan containing priorities for UNITAMS.
13 April 2022 S/2022/317 This was a letter from the Republic of Cyprus to the UN containing, inter alia, allegations of the illegal use of closed ports and airports by Turkish naval and air forces.
11 April 2022 S/2022/304 This was a letter from Syria to the Secretary-General and the Council.
11 April 2022 S/2022/307 This was a PBC letter of advice to the Council for its 11 April meeting briefing on the implementation of resolution 2532 for a global ceasefire and resolution 2565 on COVID-19 vaccines.
7 April 2022 S/2022/300 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the UN-facilitated plan to replace the FSO Safer and transfer its oil to a temporary vessel.
22 March 2022 S/2022/258 This was the summary of the IEG’s 4 March meeting on Myanmar.
22 March 2022 S/2022/256 This was from Sudan, containing observations, comments and reactions to the Secretary-General’s 2 March report on UNITAMS.