UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
18 March 2022 S/2022/250 This was a letter from the Security Council President taking note of the PBC request in an 8 March letter (S/2022/202) to receive advanced copies of Secretary-General's reports.
15 March 2022 S/2022/235 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon requesting that the application of the provisions of paragraph 11 of resolution 2591 be extended for an additional year.
8 March 2022 S/2022/202 This was a letter from the PBC Chair requesting that the PBC receive advanced unedited versions of the reports of the Secretary-General to the Council on topics considered by the Commission.
1 March 2022 S/2022/171 This was the summary of the IEG’s 18 February meeting on Afghanistan.
16 February 2022 S/2022/128 This was the report of the 19th annual workshop for the newly elected members of the Security Council, which was held on 18 and 19 November 2021.
9 February 2022 S/2022/102 This was a letter from Syria to the Council and the Secretary-General.
3 February 2022 S/2022/91 This was a letter from Ireland, Kenya and Mexico containing a handover and summary report on the presidency trio initiative.
2 February 2022 S/2022/88 This was a letter from the permanent representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as the 2020-2021 chair of the IWG.
20 January 2022 S/2022/42 This was on the appointment of the Panel of Experts.
18 January 2022 S/2022/35 This was a letter from the UAE on the 17 January attacks on Abu Dhabi by the Houthi rebel group.
11 January 2022 S/2022/22 This was a concept note prepared by Norway for the open debate on “Protecting Participation: Addressing Violence Targeting Women in Peace and Security Processes”.
4 January 2022 S/2022/8 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on MINUSMA’s operations, performance, and implementation of the integrated strategic framework for Mali
4 January 2022 S/2022/9 This was a letter from Israel to the Council and the Secretary-General.
6 December 2021 S/2021/1011 This letter from Ireland and Niger circulated the ninth joint FAO/WFP update on "monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations."
6 December 2021 S/2021/1012 This was the summary of the IEG’s 16 November meeting with women’s protection advisers.