UN Security Council Letters

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16 November 2021 S/2021/955 This transmitted the bi-annual assessments of the IRMCT by the president and prosecutor.
11 November 2021 S/2021/941 This was a letter that contained the transcript of the VTC debate on “Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations: African Union”.
5 November 2021 S/2021/942 This was a letter from the Secretary-General expressing his intention to appoint Major General Cornelis Johannes Matthijssen (Netherlands) as Force Commander of MINUSMA.
2 November 2021 S/2021/918 This letter from the PBC's Central African Republic configuration transmitted advice for the upcoming mandate renewal of MINUSCA.
1 November 2021 S/2021/912 This letter transmitted the 60th report on the implementation of the Peace Agreement on BiH, prepared by the High Representative on BiH.
29 October 2021 S/2021/907 This was the summary of the IEG’s 29 September meeting on Haiti.
22 October 2021 S/2021/917 This letter contained the terms of reference for the 23-25 October 2021 Council visiting mission to Mali and Niger.
19 October 2021 S/2021/888 This was the concept note for the open debate on “Peace and security through preventive diplomacy: a common objective to all the principal organs of the United Nations”.
13 October 2021 S/2021/875 This was the concept note for the annual open debate on women, peace and security.
6 October 2021 S/2021/854 This was the concept note for the Council open debate on "Diversity, State Building and the Search for Peace".
4 October 2021 S/2021/859 This was a letter from the Security Council in response to the Secretary-General’s request for an extension of the deadlines to submit a proposal on a reconfigured AMISOM and options for continued UN logistical support to the AU mission, UNSOM, and the Somali security forces.
4 October 2021 S/2021/850 This was a Secretary-General's letter on options to increase support for the G5 Sahel Joint Force.
29 September 2021 S/2021/858 This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council president requesting an extension of the deadlines to submit a proposal on a reconfigured AMISOM and options for continued UN logistical support to the AU mission, UNSOM and the Somali security forces.
17 September 2021 S/2021/805 This was a letter from the Secretary-General transmitting the strategic review of UNISFA.
14 September 2021 S/2021/787 This was a letter by Morocco informing of the outcome of general legislative, commune-level and regional elections, also referencing Western Sahara territories.