UN Security Council Letters

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30 August 2007 S/2007/526 This was a letter from Iraq to the Council requesting a temporary suspension of the obligation to pay compensations with a view to reducing the payments.
27 August 2007 S/2007/522 This was a letter conveying the Secretary-General's intention to temporarily reassign General Lamine Cissé as the officer-in-charge of UNOWA. It also outlined the Secretary-General's proposals for strengthening UNPOS.
27 August 2007 S/2007/510 This was a letter from the president of the Security Council on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.
24 August 2007 S/2007/508 This was a letter from the Council concerning the activities of the Quartet, including the mandate of its representative, Mr. Tony Blair, and the establishment and functioning of its Jerusalem office.
22 August 2007 S/2007/509 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.
22 August 2007 S/2007/507 This was the Secretary-General's letter to the Council delineating the mandate of the Quartet's representative, Tony Blair.
14 August 2007 S/2007/496 This was the letter from Congo containing the terms of reference for the open debate on 28 August on conflict prevention and resolution, especially in Africa.
13 August 2007 S/2007/492 This letter was from the Afghanistan Foreign Minister to the Council president welcoming ISAF's continued operations in Afghanistan.
10 August 2007 S/2007/489 This was the letter from the Georgian Charge d'affaires to the president of the Council containing the report of the OSCE mission to Georgia.
9 August 2007 S/2007/480 This was the letter from the Georgian Charge d'affaires to the president of the Council informing him of the missile incident and asking him to convene a special meeting of the Council.
6 August 2007 S/2007/478 This was a letter from Lebanon on Israeli violations in July.
6 August 2007 S/2007/477 These were letters from Lebanon on Israeli violations in July.
2 August 2007 S/2007/470 This was the Secretary-General's letter recommending a one year extension of UNIFIL with no change in the mandate.
31 July 2007 S/2007/539 This letter was from the Secretary-General to reappoint Jallow as prosecutor of the ICTR.
30 July 2007 S/2007/467 This was a letter on the appointment of Hédi Annabi as Special Representative in Haiti.