UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
30 May 2007 S/2007/318 This contained a statement by Prime Minister Siniora concerning events in the Nahr al-Bared camp, pointing out that refugees were used as human shields by Fatah al-Islam.
25 May 2007 S/2007/312 This was the letter from the Permanent Representative of Serbia to the Secretary-General containing the proposal to start a new stage of negotiations on the status of Kosovo.
24 May 2007 S/2007/309 This was a letter from Pakistan concerning the serious developments in the occupied Palestinian territory.
23 May 2007 S/2007/323 This was the letter from the ICTR president to the Council president on the implementation of the completion strategy.
23 May 2007 S/2007/301 This was a letter on the transfer of money from the UNMOVIC account to settle Iraq's arrears to the UN.
16 May 2007 S/2007/286 This was the letter from President Lahoud opposing the involvement of the Security Council in Lebanese internal affairs with the establishment of the tribunal under Chapter VII.
15 May 2007 S/2007/280 This was a letter from the President of the Security Council on the Secretary-General's intention to establish a United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Ashgabat.
15 May 2007 S/2007/283 This was the letter from the ICTY president to the Council president containing the latest progress report on the implementation of the completion strategy.
15 May 2007 S/2007/284 This was a Sudanese letter following up on existing commitments to increase humanitarian access.
15 May 2007 S/2007/281 This contained the letter from Siniora requesting a binding action by the Council to establish the tribunal.
14 May 2007 S/2007/278 This was a letter from Lebanon on Israeli acts of aggression during March.
10 May 2007 S/2007/269 This was the letter from the chair of the PBC's Organisational Committee transmitting the report of the country visit to Sierra Leone.
8 May 2007 S/2007/274 This was the letter from Egypt enclosing the statement of the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting.
8 May 2007 S/2007/267 This letter contained Eritrea's position on certain issues in the April 2007 progress report of the Secretary-General.
7 May 2007 S/2007/279 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the establishment of a United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Ashgabat.