UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
7 May 2007 S/2007/300 This was a letter on the transfer of money from the UNMOVIC account to settle Iraq's arrears to the UN.
3 May 2007 S/2007/266 This letter was from Turkey containing the Ankara declaration made after the summit meeting between the presidents of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey.
1 May 2007 S/2007/251 This was a Libyan letter with the Tripoli consensus on the Political Process for Darfur.
30 April 2007 S/2007/245 This was a letter from the Council regarding the letter dated 19 April 2007, conveying the communication from the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
27 April 2007 S/2007/242 This was a letter from the Council concerning the processing of letters of credit pertaining to the oil-for-food programme.
24 April 2007 S/2007/229 This letter transmitted the report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267.
20 April 2007 S/2007/224 This was the letter from Iraq enclosing a summary of the 10 March Baghdad conference.
19 April 2007 S/2007/218 This was exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the president of the Council on a letter from the IAEA Director-General noting that the IAEA had not been able to implement its mandate in Iraq.
19 April 2007 S/2007/223 This was the International Working Group communiqué requesting its two co-chairs to consult with ECOWAS and the AU on its future role and make recommendations to the Council.
17 April 2007 S/2007/212 This was a Council letter in response to Sudan's agreement to the heavy support package.
16 April 2007 S/2007/210 This was a letter from South Africa to the Council transmitting the Polisario plan.
16 April 2007 S/2007/211 The Groupe 77 expressed concern about Council encroachment on prerogatives of the General Assembly and ECOSOC.
13 April 2007 S/2007/207 This was the letter of the Secretary-General with details on the border assessment mission.
12 April 2007 S/2007/203 NAM sent a letter to the Security Council expressing concern about Council encroachment on prerogatives of the General Assembly and ECOSOC.
11 April 2007 S/2007/201 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of the Sudan referring to the Security Council a violation of Sudan's sovereignty and territorial inviolability by Chad.