UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
15 February 2007 S/2007/91 This was an exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the Council authorising the extension of UNIIIC's technical assistance to the Lebanese authorities in the investigation of the Ain Aaleq bombings.
13 February 2007 S/2007/90 This was an exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the Council authorising the extension of UNIIIC's technical assistance to the Lebanese authorities in the investigation of the Ain Aaleq bombings.
13 February 2007 S/2007/86 This was an exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the Council on the new appointment of Geir Pedersen as the Secretary-General's Special Coordinator for Lebanon.
13 February 2007 S/2007/92 This contained the conclusions to the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Burundi.
12 February 2007 S/2007/84 This was a letter from the permanent representative of Slovakia to the Secretary-General, presenting the Slovakian Concept Paper prepared for the open debate on 23 February on the cooperation between the Security Council and international organisations in the implementation of resolutions 1540 and 1673.
12 February 2007 S/2007/82 This was a letter from Lebanon stating that Israel had violated the Blue Line on 7 February, which triggered the Lebanese army to open fire.
9 February 2007 S/2007/74 This was the letter from Georgia regarding Georgia's adherence to the requirements of resolution 1716.
9 February 2007 S/2007/79 This was the letter from Rwanda objecting to the late receipt of a letter by the Council president on the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict concerning the movements of Congolese rebel leader General Laurent Nkunda.
8 February 2007 S/2007/72 This contained the concept paper for the Council’s thematic debate on SSR.
8 February 2007 S/2007/85 This was an exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the Council on the new appointment of Geir Pedersen as the Secretary-General's Special Coordinator for Lebanon.
8 February 2007 S/2007/69 This was a letter from Israel stating that on 7 February the Israeli military had been operating on Israeli territory and it had returned fire in legitimate defence.
7 February 2007 S/2007/63 This was a letter from Lebanon transmitting a statistical table of Israeli violations of Lebanese territory in January 2007.
5 February 2007 S/2007/56 This was a letter from the President of the Security Council on the appointment of Julian Harston as the new Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
31 January 2007 S/2007/55 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of Julian Harston as the new Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
29 January 2007 S/2007/47 This was concerning the processing of letters of credit pertaining to the oil-for-food programme has been brought to the attention of the members of the Security Council.