UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
29 December 2023 S/2023/1065 Letters dated 29 December 2023 from the Chargé d'affaires ad interim of the Permanent Mission of Syria to the UN addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council.
29 December 2023 S/2023/1080 This was a letter from Albania transmitting the joint statements delivered in 2023 by the signatories of the Shared Commitments on WPS.
19 December 2023 S/2023/1013 This letter from the chair of the PBC's Central African Republic configuration, Ambassador Omar Hilale (Morocco) contained the report of the visit that he undertook to Bangui from 7 to 11 November 2023.
6 December 2023 S/2023/964 This was the summary of the IEG’s 6 November meeting on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
6 December 2023 S/2023/961 This was a letter from Guyana requesting the Security Council to hold a meeting to discuss recent developments regarding a territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela over the Essequibo region in Guyana.
6 December 2023 S/2023/962 This was a letter from the Secretary-General invoking Article 99 of the UN Charter. After over eight weeks of hostilities in Gaza and Israel, the letter urges the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and reiterates the Secretary-General's appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire.
24 November 2023 S/2023/918 Letter dated 24 November 2023 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council, informing that because of the ongoing war in Sudan, implementation of benchmarks 2 and 3 contained in the report of 31 July 2021 (S/2021/696) and an assessment of progress made on them pursuant to Security Council resolution 2676 (2023) will not be possible.
16 November 2023 S/2023/884 Letter dated 16 November 2023 from the Permanent Representative of the Sudan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General.
16 November 2023 S/2023/881 This transmitted the assessments of the President and the Prosecutor of the IRMCT.
16 November 2023 S/2023/882 This letter transmitted the 11th report of the Special Adviser and head of UNITAD.
10 November 2023 S/2023/860 This letter contained the PBC's advice for the mandate renewal of MINUSCA.
10 November 2023 S/2023/865 This was a letter from the Secretary-General for the Security Council's biannual meeting on the G5 Sahel joint force, recommending that the Council terminate the Secretariat's reporting obligations on the force.
9 November 2023 S/2023/856 This letter transmitted the independent assessment on Afghanistan requested by resolution 2679.
6 November 2023 S/2023/849 Letter dated 6 November 2023 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council, informing the decision to initiate an independently led strategic review of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan (UNITAMS).
6 November 2023 S/2023/839 Letter dated 6 November 2023 from the Permanent Representative of Djibouti to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council