UN Documents for Sudan: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
15 May 2012 S/2012/322 This letter from Sudan to the Council expressed its commitment to withdraw its forces from Abyei.
14 May 2012 S/2012/315 This letter from South Sudan to the Council indicated that it had withdrawn its police from Abyei.
4 May 2012 S/2012/295 This letter from South Sudan to the Council reiterated its commitment to cease hostilities with Sudan, while accusing Sudan of bombings and ground incursions on its territory.
3 May 2012 S/2012/293 This letter from South Sudan to the Council expressing its commitment to cease hostilities with Sudan.
19 March 2012 S/2012/166 This letter contained the Framework for African Union and United Nations Facilitation of the Darfur Peace Process.
16 January 2012 S/2012/37 This letter from the US to the Council concerned the humanitarian situation in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.
9 January 2012 S/2012/20 This letter from the Permanent Representative of South Africa containing the AU Chairperson’s report on the partnership between the AU and the UN on peace and security.
7 January 2012 S/2012/40 This letter from Sudan to the Council concerned the humanitarian situation in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.
29 December 2011 S/2011/810 This letter to the Council from Sudan claimed that JEM forces had entered South Sudan and requesting that the South Sudanese government disarm them and extradite them to Sudan.
8 December 2011 S/2011/763 This letter from South Sudan to the Security Council accused Sudan of cross-border incursions and urging the international community to apply more pressure on Sudan to respect South Sudan’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
14 November 2011 S/2011/714 This was a letter from the permanent representative of Sudan to the Council.
14 November 2011 S/2011/708 This letter was from the acting permanent representative of South Sudan to the Council.
4 November 2011 S/2011/691 This letter was from the permanent representative of Sudan to the Council.
4 September 2011 S/2011/558 This document contained two letters from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sudan accusing the SPLM-N of violence in Blue Nile state.
17 August 2011 S/2011/524 This letter from Sudan concerned the establishment of an inquiry committee in Southern Kordofan.