UN Documents for Counter-Terrorism: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
2 November 2011 S/2011/689 This letter transmitted the outcome document for the special meeting of the CTC commemorating the adoption of resolution 1373 and the establishment of the Committee
17 August 2011 S/2011/463 This was the CTED global implementation survey of resolution 1373.
13 April 2011 S/2011/245 This letter transmitted the eleventh report of the 1267 Committee’s monitoring team on implementation of the resolution.
5 April 2011 S/2011/223 This letter transmitted the CTC’s work programme for 2011.
26 January 2011 S/2011/37 This letter informed the Council that the committee had decided to extend and revise its 2010 programme of work to cover the period from 1 February to 25 April 2011.
21 January 2011 S/2011/29 This letter transmitted the first report of the 1267 Committee's Ombudsperson.
2 November 2010 S/2010/569 This was a letter from the Chairman of the Security Council Committee concerning counter-terrorism, conveying the report on the activities and achievements of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate from 2008 to 2010.
28 September 2010 S/2010/497 This letter transmitted the report of the 1267 Committee’s monitoring team on the outcome of the review of the consolidated list.
1 September 2010 S/2010/462 This letter transmitted the concept note for the 27 September thematic meeting on counter-terrorism.
12 July 2010 S/2010/366 This letter transmitted the committee's current work programme for July to December 2010.
3 June 2010 S/2010/282 The Secretary-General informed the Council that he has appointed Kimberly Prost to be Ombudsperson for a period ending 30 June 2011.
5 March 2010 S/2010/125 This was the letter to the Council transmitting the 1267 Committee's position on the recommendations contained in the tenth report of its Monitoring Team (S/2009/502).
26 February 2010 S/2010/112 This letter transmitted the 1540 Committee's programme of work for 1 February 2010 to 31 January 2011.
17 February 2010 S/2010/89 This was a letter from CTC to the Council transmitting the Committee's current work programme for January to June 2010.
29 January 2010 S/2010/52 This was the 1540 Committee's final document on its comprehensive review.