UN Security Council Letters

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12 June 2023 S/2023/432 This was the Secretary-General's annual review of the UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement.
22 May 2023 S/2023/367 This letter transmitted the tenth report of the Special Adviser and head of UNITAD.
19 May 2023 S/2023/365 This was a letter from Switzerland circulating a summary of the specific proposals made by Member States and speakers during the 3 May debate on the theme “Futureproofing trust for sustaining peace”.
16 May 2023 S/2023/361 This was the summary of the IEG’s 28 March meeting on Mali.
15 May 2023 S/2023/352 This was written advice from the PBC for the Security Council's 16 May briefing on the Group of Five for the Sahel Joint Force.
1 May 2023 S/2023/306 This was a letter from the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission submitting written advice for the Council open debate on “Future proofing trust for sustaining peace” under the agenda item “Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace".
1 May 2023 S/2023/307 This was a letter dated 1 May 2023 from the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, transmitting the concept note for the Security Council's high-level open debate on the theme of “Ensuring the security and dignity of civilians in conflict: addressing food insecurity and protecting essential services”.
19 April 2023 S/2023/290 This letter from the Secretary-General informed the Council of his intention to appoint Mr. Leonardo Santos Simão (Mozambique) as Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel and Head of UNOWAS.
18 April 2023 S/2023/283 This was the concept note for the open debate at the ministerial level on “Future proofing trust for sustaining peace” under the agenda item “Peacebuilding and sustaining peace”, organized by Switzerland during its Council presidency.
12 April 2023 S/2023/270 This was a letter from the Security Council requesting the Secretary-General to submit recommendations on the possible role that the UN can play in dialogue initiatives with armed groups in Colombia.
11 April 2023 S/2023/277 This was a letter from the PBC chair Ambassador Ivan Šimonović (Croatia) on the countries and issues that the PBC seeks advanced copies of Secretary-General's reports during 2023, and on the PBC's Provisional programme of work for 2023.
11 April 2023 S/2023/264 This was a letter from Mali containing its comments on the quarterly report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali.
5 April 2023 S/2023/266 This was the summary of the IEG’s 20 February meeting on South Sudan.
23 March 2023 S/2023/148/Rev.1 This was a revised concept note for the Council's 30 March open debate on the theme “Peace and security in Africa: the impact of development policies in the implementation of the Silencing the Guns initiative”.
20 March 2023 S/2023/207 This was the summary of the IEG’s 26 January meeting on Afghanistan.