UN Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters View full list
17 March 2023 S/2023/206 This was the report of the 20th annual workshop for the newly elected members of the Security Council, which was held on 17 and 18 November 2022.
15 March 2023 S/2023/168 This letter contained a concept note prepared by Mozambique ahead of the open briefing on "Strengthening Security Sector Reform and Governance".
10 March 2023 S/2023/112 This was a letter from Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs Álvaro Leyva Durán to the Security Council, in which he indicated that the Colombian government intends to request UN verification in dialogue processes with armed groups operating in the country.
3 March 2023 S/2023/173 This letter from the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission contained advice for the Council's 6 March meeting on South Sudan.
1 March 2023 S/2023/176 This was a letter from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Lebanon.
1 March 2023 S/2023/161 This was a letter from Mali rejecting France's continued role as penholder on Mali.
27 February 2023 S/2023/148 This was the concept note for the 30 March open debate on “Peace and security in Africa: the impact of development policies in the implementation of the Silencing the Guns initiative”.
24 February 2023 S/2023/146 This was a concept note prepared by Mozambique for the open debate on “Women, Peace and Security: Towards the 25th Anniversary of Resolution 1325”.
22 February 2023 S/2023/137 This was a letter from Malta to the Secretary-General transmitting the statement that would have been delivered on behalf of the Somali Gender Equity Movement at the 22 February Security Council meeting on Somalia. According to Malta’s statement at that meeting, the “conditions were not conducive to the safe participation of a civil-society representative” to brief the Council on women, peace and security, leading Malta to circulate the statement as a document of the Security Council instead.
14 February 2023 S/2023/106 This was the Peacebuilding Commission's written advice for the 14 February Council open debate on the theme “Threats to international peace and security: sea level rise – implications for international peace and security”.
13 February 2023 S/2023/95 This was a letter dated 13 February 2023 from the Chair of the 1267 sanctions committee concerning ISIL/al-Qaida addressed to the President of the Security Council, transmitting the thirty-first report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team.
8 February 2023 S/2023/88 This was a letter circulated by Qatar on behalf of the Group of Arab States calling for lifting the sanctions on Sudan.
2 February 2023 S/2023/80 This was a concept note circulated by Malta ahead of a briefing on the prevention of grave violations against children, which took place on 13 February 2023.
30 January 2023 S/2023/67 This was a letter by Sudan calling for an immediate lifting of the sanctions without conditions or benchmarks.
27 January 2023 S/2023/71 This letter took note of the Secretary-General's recommendations for the mandate renewal of UNOWAS in his 20 January 2023 letter (S/2023/70).