UN Documents for Lebanon: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
17 December 2007 S/2007/737 This was a letter from the Secretary-General informing that the special tribunal’s headquarters agreement between the UN and the Netherlands has been initialed.
14 December 2007 S/2007/736 This was an exchange of letters between the Lebanese government and the Secretary-General regarding the assassination of Lebanese armed forces General François el-Hajj.
12 December 2007 S/2007/735 This was an exchange of letters between the Lebanese government and the Secretary-General regarding the assassination of Lebanese armed forces General François el-Hajj.
24 October 2007 S/2007/631 This was a letter from Lebanon enclosing a position paper on implementation of resolution 1701.
5 October 2007 S/2007/594 This was a letter from Lebanon on Israel's persistent refusal to provide maps of cluster bombs in south Lebanon.
5 October 2007 S/2007/420 This was a letter from Lebanon transmitting a statistical table of Israeli violations of resolution 1701 in September.
21 September 2007 S/2007/557 This was from the Council and invited the UNIIC to provide technical assistance to investigate the terrorist attack that killed parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem and others.
20 September 2007 S/2007/556 This letter contained a request from the Lebanese government for technical assistance to investigate the terrorist attack that killed parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem and others.
30 August 2007 S/2007/519 This was a letter from Israel transmitting a summary of violations of the Blue Line from 19 June to 21 August and reiterating its concern about the presence of armed Hezbollah elements south of the Litani River and at the transfer of weapons from Syria.
6 August 2007 S/2007/478 This was a letter from Lebanon on Israeli violations in July.
6 August 2007 S/2007/477 These were letters from Lebanon on Israeli violations in July.
2 August 2007 S/2007/470 This was the Secretary-General's letter recommending a one year extension of UNIFIL with no change in the mandate.
6 July 2007 S/2007/409 This was a letter from Lebanon enclosing a statistical table of Israeli violations in June.
29 June 2007 S/2007/396 This was a letter from the Secretary-General enclosing a Lebanese request for a one-year extension of UNIFIL without amendment.
18 June 2007 S/2007/367 This was a letter from Lebanon transmitting a position paper on implementation of resolution 1701 and including all Israeli violations since March.