UN Documents for Sudan: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
11 September 2006 S/PV.5520 This was the Council debate on Darfur.
31 August 2006 S/PV.5519 This was the adoption of resolution 1706.
15 June 2006 S/PV.5462 This was the briefing on the Council visiting mission to Sudan.
16 May 2006 S/PV.5439 This was the record of the meeting in which resolution 1679 was adopted.
16 February 2005 S/PV.5125 This was a briefing by Louise Arbour, High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the Darfur Commission report.
25 May 2004 S/PV.4978 This was a meeting in which the Council’s first decision on Darfur was adopted, following an Arria formula briefing on the subject.