UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
28 August 2024 SC/15804 This press statement expressed concern about recent developments in Libya and called on Libyan actors to refrain from any unilateral actions that increase tensions, undermine trust, and further entrench institutional divisions and discord in the country.
18 July 2024 SC/15768 This was a press statement on Colombia, in which Council members re-emphasised the importance of the comprehensive implementation of the 2016 agreement.
12 July 2024 SC/15765 This was a Security Council press statement that welcomed the convening in Geneva, by the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy, Ramtane Lamamra, of proximity talks between the Sudanese warring parties.
20 June 2024 SC/15739 This was a statement on the situation in the DRC.
27 April 2024 SC/15686 This was a Security Council press statement which expressed concern over the growing tensions and military operations around El Fasher, North Darfur.
15 April 2024 SC/15665 This was a press statement in which Council members expressed concern about the tensions between Guyana and Venezuela over the Essequibo region in Guyana.
15 April 2024 SC/15663 This was a press statement on Colombia, in which Council members emphasised the importance of the comprehesive implementation of the 2016 peace agreement.
21 March 2024 SC/15636 This press statement took note of the 11 March agreement facilitated by CARICOM, reiterated Council members’ support for a Haitian-led political process, and stressed the importance of swiftly deploying the MSS mission. 
18 March 2024 SC/15631 This press statement condemned in the strongest terms Houthi attacks against commercial vessels in the Red Sea, including the attacks on the True Confidence which killed three sailors on 6 March, and the Rubymar, which sank on 2 March.
11 March 2024 SC/15620 This press statement expressed Council members’ deep concern about the security and humanitarian situation in Haiti, condemned the continued destabilising criminal activities of armed gangs, and expressed the “expectation and hope” that the MSS mission would deploy as soon as possible.  
29 February 2024 SC/15607 This press statement condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks that resulted in loss of civilian lives over the months in Burkina Faso, including those on a church in Essakane and on a mosque in Natiaboani in Burkina Faso on the same day, 25 February 2024.
18 January 2024 SC/15567 This was a press statement on Colombia, in which Council members emphasised the importance of the comprehesive implementation of the 2016 peace agreement.
5 January 2024 SC/15557 This press statement took note of the closure on 31 December 2023 of MINUSMA and paid tribute to its 311 personnel who lost their lives since 2013.
22 December 2023 SC/15547 This was a press statement on the situation in Sudan.
11 December 2023 SC/15523 This statement strongly condemned violence in Warrap State, South Sudan, and the Abyei Administrative Area in November and December 2023.