UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
29 August 2012 SC/10749 This press statement was on Somalia.
24 August 2012 SC/10748 This press statement announced the addition of Abubaker Shariff Ahmed to the list of individuals subject to sanctions.
17 August 2012 SC/10745 This press statement on Afghanistan condemned attacks on civilians.
15 August 2012 SC/10744 Condemned the attack on a UNAMID police centre which killed one peacekeeper.
10 August 2012 SC/10740 This press statement supported the Somalia transition process.
10 August 2012 SC/10741 This press statement followed statements by the Secretary-General, representatives of ECOWAS and the AU, and the Permanent Representative of Mali.
8 August 2012 SC/10739 The Council reaffirmed the role that preventive diplomacy and early warning mechanisms play in settling disputes peacefully and praised the Centre's work in Central Asia to strengthen this practice.
2 August 2012 SC/10736 This press statement on the DRC condemned attacks by the M23 rebel group and called for the cessation of all outside support to M23.
30 July 2012 SC/10734 In this press statement, Council members condemned the continuing interference of the military in politics and called on all political and civil society actors in Guinea-Bissau to engage in a consensual, inclusive and “nationally owned” process to restore constitutional order in the country.
26 July 2012 SC/10730 This press statement followed the adoption of resolution 2062.
25 July 2012 SC/10728 This press statement announced the addition of Aboud Rogo Mohamed to the list of individuals subject to sanctions.
23 July 2012 SC/10722 The Council welcomed the 8 July the "Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan" and the conclusions of the conference.
19 July 2012 SC/10717 The Council condemned the terrorist attack aimed at Israeli tourists in Bulgaria on 18 July, causing several deaths of Israeli and Bulgarian citizens and numerous injuries.
18 July 2012 SC/10711 This press statement followed Koenders's briefing to the Council
18 July 2012 SC/10712 The Council welcomed the reconvening of the National Dialogue and expressed concern over border violations in the north.