UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
18 August 2011 SC/10364 This statement was on the role of UNOCA.
18 August 2011 SC/10362 The Council condemned the series of terrorist attacks that occurred on 15 August in Iraq which killed scores of people.
15 August 2011 SC/10360 This was a press statement on Somalia.
9 August 2011 SC/10357 The Council expressed concern at the worsening economic, humanitarian and security situations.
8 August 2011 SC/10355 The Council condemned the attack on UNAMID peacekeepers on 5 August.
3 August 2011 SC/10353 The Council expressed sadness over the death of four UNISFA soldiers on 2 August.
26 July 2011 SC/10341 The Council condemned the attacks on UNIFIL convoys.
25 July 2011 SC/10339 This statement was on the food crisis in Somalia.
23 July 2011 SC/10337 The Council condemned the terrorist attacks in Norway that killed scores of people the day before.
21 July 2011 SC/10335 This statement was on efforts to address the LRA issue.
15 July 2011 SC/10327 The Council appreciated the efforts of the UNRCCA as a UN mechanism for preventive diplomacy.
13 July 2011 SC/10325 The Council condemned terrorist attacks in Mumbai and calling upon states to fight terrorism in accordance with the UN Charter.
12 July 2011 SC/10321 The Council condemned the attacks against the 11 July French and US embassies in Damascus.
30 June 2011 SC/10307 The Council welcomed the Iraqi government's assumption of autonomy over the DFI.
28 June 2011 SC/10301 The Council noted the progress made by the Government of Guinea-Bissau towards the maintenance of stability.