UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
24 June 2011 SC/10296 The Council expressed grave concern at the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation.
23 June 2011 SC/10291 This press statement was on the Doha peace process.
22 June 2011 SC/10289 The Council expressed its intention to continue funding for the activities of the high-level coordinator for missing Kuwaiti persons and property.
27 May 2011 SC/10264 The Council condemned the attacks on UNIFIL convoys.
22 May 2011 SC/10262 This press statement was on Abyei during the Council visit to Sudan.
11 May 2011 SC/10248 This press statement was on violence in Abyei.
13 April 2011 SC/10225 The Council condemned the 11 April "apparent terrorist attack" that occurred in Minsk, Republic of Belarus which killed a number of people and wounded hundreds.
1 April 2011 SC/10216 The Council condemned the attack on the UN operations centre at Mazar-i-Sharif, resulting in the murder of seven UN staff members, during demonstrations against the burning of a Koran in the US.
11 March 2011 SC/10196 This statement was on the situation in Côte d'Ivoire.
3 March 2011 SC/10191 This press statement was on the situation in Côte d’Ivoire.
3 March 2011 SC/10192 The Council released a press statement in response to violence in Abyei and Jonglei State.
25 February 2011 SC/10184 This was a press statement on Guinea-Bissau.
22 February 2011 SC/10180 The Council condemned the use of force against civilians, called on Libya to meet its responsibility to protect civilians and stressed accountability.
14 February 2011 SC/10174 The Council expressed grave concern about the recent armed clashes between Cambodia and Thailand.
7 February 2011 SC/10167 This statement was on the situation in the DRC.