UNOWAS (West Africa and the Sahel)

  • Tomorrow morning (10 July), the Security Council will hold a briefing on ‘Women, Peace and Security in the Sahel region” under the agenda item “Peace and Security in Africa”, chaired by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina...

  • In July, the Council will hold a briefing on the Sahel and Lake Chad Basin focused on women, peace and security. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and AU Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security Bineta Diop are expected to brief following a joint mission that they are undertaking to the region earlier in the month. A civil society representative is also expected to brief.

  • July 2018

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Monthly Forecast

    In July, Mohammed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), will brief the Council on recent developments and the semi-annual UNOWAS report.

  • Tomorrow (30 January), the Security Council is expected to adopt a presidential statement on West Africa and the Sahel region, expressing support for the work of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) in conflict prevention, mediation...

  • Tomorrow (11 January), the Security Council is expected to receive a briefing from Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the Special Representative and head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS). Consultations will follow the public session. It seems...

  • January 2018

    UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel

    Monthly Forecast

    In January 2018, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and head of UNOWAS, will brief the Council on recent developments and the semi-annual UNOWAS report.

  • July 2017

    UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel

    Monthly Forecast

    In July, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of UNOWAS, will brief the Council on recent developments and the semi-annual UNOWAS report.

  • 24 January 2017

    Update on The Gambia

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (25 January), Council members are expected to receive a briefing from Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) via video-teleconference. The meeting has been organised as...

  • 19 January 2017

    Resolution on The Gambia

    What's in Blue

    The Security Council is expected to adopt a resolution today on The Gambia, amidst the country’s ongoing political crisis and the possibility of an ECOWAS military intervention. Although his term expired today, President Yahya Jammeh has refused to cede power...

  • On Friday (13 January), the Security Council will receive a briefing from Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), which will be followed by consultations. Chambas’ briefing...

  • January 2017

    UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel

    Monthly Forecast

    In January, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), will brief on the semi-annual UNOWAS report.

  • 18 December 2016

    Briefing on The Gambia

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (19 December), Council members are expected to receive a briefing in consultations on The Gambia from the Department of Political Affairs. This will be Council members’ third meeting on The Gambia since President Yahya Jammeh announced on 9...

  • 12 December 2016

    Briefing on The Gambia in Consultations

    What's in Blue

    This morning, Council members will be briefed on developments in The Gambia by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman in consultations. On Saturday (10 December), Council members issued a press statement that condemned President Yahya Jammeh’s announcement on Friday (9...

  • On Monday (11 July), the Security Council will receive a briefing from Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS). This will be the first Council briefing on...

  • July 2016

    UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel

    Monthly Forecast

    In July, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), will brief on the semi-annual UNOWAS report. This is the first briefing on UNOWAS since the Council decided to merge the Office of the Special Envoy for the Sahel (OSES) into the UN Office for West Africa (UNOWA).