Conflict Prevention and Mediation

  • 31 March 2011

    Insights on Conflict Prevention

    What's in Blue

    This afternoon (Thursday, 31 March) the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa will hold a workshop to examine ways of enhancing its role. South Africa, the chair of the Working Group, is hoping to for...

  • The Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution on Africa will be meeting this Friday (11 March) for the first time since South Africa took over the chairmanship of the Working Group. It is expected to discuss its Programme of...

  • 7 March 2011

    Insights on Conflict Prevention

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (Tuesday, 8 March), Council members will receive a briefing from the Department of Political Affairs in informal consultations. It seems the focus will be related to North Africa and the Middle East. This briefing is part of what is...

  • January 2011

    Conflict Prevention Briefings

    Monthly Forecast

    At press time it seemed likely that Council members in January would hold another “horizon scanning” discussion on issues of potential concern, in line with similar consultations held in November 2010 during the UK presidency.

  • December 2010

    Conflict Prevention in Africa

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa, which expires on 31 December 2010. The renewal is expected to take place by the close of the year following consultations among the Council—likely to be announced in a presidential note.

  • November 2010

    Conflict Prevention: Horizon Scanning

    Monthly Forecast

    The UK is planning to invite Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe to consultations early in the month for a “horizon scanning session”. This could stimulate an overview discussion focusing on issues of concern in November including ones that may not be on the Council agenda for the month.

  • Turkey has indicated that as Council president in September it will call for a formal meeting of the Council on 23 September. It has proposed that this be at the level of heads of state and government.

  • An open debate is expected in the Security Council on 16 July on the topic “Optimising the Use of Preventive Diplomacy Tools: Prospects and Challenges in Africa”. The meeting will be presided over by Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs Henry Odein Ajumogobia.

  • December 2009

    Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of its Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa. It expires on 31 December.

  • On 16 April, the Council will hold a debate combining two thematic issues: UN cooperation with regional organisations and conflict prevention. The meeting will have a particular focus on Africa and will be presided over by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa.

  • On 17 April, the Council is expected to hold an open debate (possibly with high-level representation) combining two thematic issues on its agenda: UN cooperation with regional organisations; andconflict prevention.

  • February 2008

    Conflict Prevention

    Monthly Forecast

    The Security Council Working Group on Conflict Prevention has before it the Secretary-General’s report on implementation of resolution 1625. Recommendations from a 3 December seminar organised by the Working Group are also available. However, it is unclear whether proposals will come forward for Council action on this issue in February, or perhaps in April when South Africa has the Council presidency.

  • November 2007

    Prevention of Armed Conflict

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to consider a report from the Secretary-General on options for further implementation of resolution 1625. Adopted at a heads of state level summit in 2005, this resolution addressed the Security Council's role in the prevention of armed conflict, particularly in Africa.

  • As Council president this month and the current chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa, Congo has planned an open debate for 28 August to discuss ways in which the UN system can more effectively prevent and resolve conflict, particularly in Africa.