
  • June 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In June, the Security Council will be briefed by Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, on UN counter-terrorism efforts in support of member states against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The briefing, which will be followed by consultations, will be based on the fifth strategic-level report of the Secretary-General requested by resolution 2253 of 17 December 2015, expected to be released at the end of May. The Council is also expected to adopt a resolution updating the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions regime.

  • On Wednesday (24 May), the Security Council will adopt a resolution on a comprehensive international framework on countering the narratives of terrorist groups. The resolution is a follow-up to an Egyptian initiative which started with a debate on countering the...

  • May 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Council is scheduled to receive a briefing from the chairs of its counter-terrorism-related committees.

  • On Friday morning (24 March), the Security Council will hold a briefing and will vote on a draft resolution on the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflicts. Briefings are expected from Irina Bokova, Director-General of the...

  • On Tuesday (14 March), the Security Council will hold a ministerial-level open debate on “Trafficking in persons in conflict situations: forced labour, slavery and other similar practices”, held under the Council agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security”. The...

  • On Monday (13 February), the Security Council will hold an open debate on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks. The session will be chaired by Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin and is a follow-up to the 21 November...

  • 6 February 2017

    Briefing on the Evolution of the ISIL Threat

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (7 February), the Security Council will be briefed by Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, on UN counter-terrorism efforts in support of member states against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), followed by consultations. The briefing...

  • In February, Ukraine, as Council president, plans to hold an open debate on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin is expected to chair the session. Briefers are expected to include a high-level Secretariat official and representatives of specialised international organisations and research institutes, including the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Maritime Organisation. The Council may adopt a resolution to promote greater cooperation in addressing the terrorist threat to critical infrastructure.

  • 19 December 2016

    Open Debate and Resolution on Human Trafficking

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (20 December), the Security Council will convene for a ministerial-level open debate on trafficking in persons in conflict situations, organised by Spain. The meeting will be chaired by Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy Brey. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Executive Director...

  • Tomorrow (12 December), Council members will hold a high-level briefing on international judicial cooperation on counter-terrorism. Justice ministers or attorneys-general of Council members have been invited to participate in the meeting, which will be chaired by Spanish Justice Minister Rafael...

  • December 2016


    Monthly Forecast

    In December, Council members will hold a debate on international judicial cooperation on counter-terrorism. Justice ministers or attorneys general of Council members have been invited to participate in the meeting, which will be chaired by Spanish Justice Minister Rafael Catalá. The adoption of a resolution is the anticipated outcome.

  • 23 November 2016

    Open Arria-formula Meeting on Cybersecurity

    What's in Blue

    On Monday (28 November), Spain and Senegal are organising an open Arria-formula meeting on cybersecurity and international peace and security. The meeting will be chaired by Félix Sanz, Chairperson of Spain’s National Cybersecurity Council, and Ambassador Fodé Seck (Senegal). The...

  • 21 November 2016

    Open Arria-Formula Meeting on Counter-Terrorism

    What's in Blue

    This afternoon (21 November), Ukraine is organising an open Arria-formula meeting on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks. The meeting will be chaired by Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko (Ukraine) and there will be three panelists: Sergiy Semochko, Head of...

  • Tomorrow (22 September), the Security Council will hold a ministerial-level meeting on countering the terrorist threat to civil aviation. The meeting is expected to emphasise the need for states to take measures both individually and collectively through the International Civil...

  • Tomorrow (22 July), the Security Council is expected to adopt a resolution authorising the transfer of chemical weapons outside of Libya in order to destroy them. Following the adoption, Council members are expected to meet in consultations to discuss developments...