
  • Tomorrow (24 September), at a Security Council summit meeting, the Council is expected to adopt a resolution addressing the threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters and expanding the obligations on member states in responding to this threat. The meeting will...

  • September 2014


    Monthly Forecast

    In September, the Council expects to hold a summit meeting on the threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters. The US is President of the Council for the month, and US President Barack Obama will chair the meeting with the Secretary-General expected to brief on the effect of this issue on current conflicts and the efforts by the UN to address it. The adoption of a resolution is the likely outcome.

  • Tomorrow afternoon (15 August), the Security Council is set to adopt a resolution listing six individuals affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al-Nusra Front on the Al-Qaida sanctions regime in an attempt to cut...

  • On Monday (23 June), Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman will brief the Council during its monthly consideration of the Middle East. His public comments will likely focus on the current crisis challenging the nascent Fatah-Hamas reconciliation and unity government...

  • Tomorrow (17 June), the Security Council is set to adopt a resolution proposed by the US reviewing the measures against individuals and entities affiliated with Al-Qaida. The resolution also modifies the mandates of the Office of the Ombudsperson and the...

  • Tomorrow morning (17 June), the Security Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution making minor adjustments to the functioning of the 1988 Taliban sanctions regime. This adoption follows a review of the implementation of the sanctions regime, called for in...

  • This morning (12 June), Special Representative and head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Nickolay Mladenov will brief Council members on the fall of Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, to the Islamic State of the Iraq and the...

  • June 2014


    Monthly Forecast

    In June, the Council is likely to adopt a resolution reviewing and possibly modifying the measures imposed in resolution 2083 on individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida. 

  • This afternoon, the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee may add Boko Haram to its sanctions list, following a request by Nigeria for the group to be listed. In its 19 May letter to the Committee chair, Ambassador Gary Quinlan (Australia), Nigeria...

  • Council members are about to issue a press statement on recent attacks in Nigeria by Boko Haram. Nigeria circulated a draft text yesterday afternoon, which was put under silence until 4 pm. Several proposals were made, and Nigeria circulated a...

  • May 2014


    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Council is scheduled to hold a semi-annual briefing by the chairs of its counter-terrorism-related committees, possibly followed by a debate. The briefers will be Ambassador Gary Quinlan (Australia), chair of the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Raimonda MurmokaitÄ— (Lithuania), chair of the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and Ambassador Oh Joon (Republic of Korea), chair of the 1540 Committee, concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

  • On Monday (27 January), the Security Council is set to adopt a draft resolution proposed by the UK calling on states not to pay ransom to terrorist kidnappers. The negotiations for the draft resolution, which was circulated in early December,...

  • Tomorrow (18 December), the Security Council plans to hold a briefing on drug trafficking in West Africa and the Sahel. The Secretary-General will address the Council, which will also hear briefings from the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the...

  • This afternoon (17 December), the Security Council is set to adopt a resolution renewing the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) for four years. It seems that the draft resolution was circulated by the US to all the...

  • December 2013


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected in December to adopt a resolution renewing the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), the Secretariat body that assists the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC). The CTC plans to submit a report to the Council in December on the CTED’s work to date.