Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • 17 May 2011

    The Democratic Republic of Congo

    What's in Blue

    Council members expect to get final agreement today on a presidential statement to be issued following tomorrow’s (18 July) open debate on the DRC. The presidential statement was circulated last Wednesday and Council members discussed it last Friday. It seems...

  • The concept paper for the open debate on the DRC, scheduled for Wednesday 18 May, has been circulated to all UN member states. The Minister for Cooperation of the DRC is scheduled to attend the debate, which at this stage...

  • May 2011

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Council will hold an open debate on the DRC. The Secretary-General is expected to attend, and the DRC will be represented at the ministerial-level. Special Representative of the Secretary-General Roger Meece is also likely to participate, as well as a representative of the World Bank.

  • 17 March 2011

    Insights on the DRC Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    The final member of the Panel of Experts of the DRC Sanctions Committee may soon be appointed. There has been some difficulty filling the position of the financial expert due to objections from some Council members to the original candidate....

  • 8 March 2011

    Insights on the DRC Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Members of the DRC Group of Experts met today with the DRC Sanctions Committee ahead of their deployment to the DRC. Among the issues discussed were sexual violence and implementation of the due dilligence guidelines. On 29 November the Council...

  • February 2011

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    In February, the Council will hear a briefing on the Secretary-General’s latest report on the peacekeeping operation in the DRC, MONUSCO, by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Roger Meece. The briefing will be followed by consultations.

  • November 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    In November the Council will consider the renewal of the DRC sanctions regime and the mandate of the group of experts, which expire on 30 November. The DRC Sanctions Committee is scheduled to meet in mid November to discuss the final report of the group of experts.

  • October 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    The Secretary-General’s report on MONUSCO is expected in October. Its head, Roger Meece is likely to brief the Council for the first time. Briefings are also anticipated from Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Margot Wallström following her 28 September to 6 October visit to the DRC and from the Secretariat on MONUSCO’s strategy for the protection of civilians and its implementation challenges.

  • A briefing on recent developments in the DRC is expected on 7 September. Assistant Secretary-General Atul Khare and the Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Margot Wallström, will participate in a formal Council meeting and brief on the mass rapes perpetrated in eastern DRC from 30 July to 2 August.

  • May 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    The mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC expires on 31 May. Reaching an agreement with the government on MONUC’s eventual withdrawal and its role in security sector reform are key unresolved issues.

  • In April the Security Council will undertake a mission to the Democratic Rep ublic of the Congo and neighbouring countries. The main issue will be the future role of the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC and developing a new vision for the mission that will help to build a new compact that is acceptable to both the DRC government and the Council. At the heart of this exercise will be resolution 1906 which the Council adopted in December 2009 to extend the mandate of the mission until the end of May. It is a long and complex text. At such a delicate time, and given that there is such an intricate mandate and very short deadlines, it seemed that this would be a good time to provide policy makers with an in-depth analysis of resolution 1906, what it really says and the various obligations it imposes on all the different actors, as well as an assessment of the status of implementation of each obligation at press time.

  • April 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    A Council mission to the DRC is planned for 17-20 April before the Council takes decisions on the future of MONUC. The MONUC mandate expires on 31 May. (The mission will also visit Rwanda and Uganda.) The Secretary-General’s report and recommendations are due 1 April and MONUC’s head, Alan Doss, will brief the Council on 13 April.

  • March 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    Council members are expecting a briefing in March following Secretariat visits to the DRC. No Council action is expected at this time. But Council members are likely to use this opportunity to further develop their thinking for the negotiations on the future configuration of MONUC over the following weeks.

  • February 2010

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    A closed oral briefing from the Secretariat at expert level for Council members and MONUC troop and police contributors is expected. Implementation of a protection strategy and the Secretariat’s emerging Integrated Strategic Framework will be the focus. This is likely to lead into discussions in coming weeks on the future configuration for MONUC.

  • December 2009

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Monthly Forecast

    In December, Alan Doss, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and head of MONUC. The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Organization Mission in the DRC (MONUC), due to expire on 31 December.