
  • 29 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    What's in Blue

    Council members have in recent days been working on a possible press statement in which the Council would commend Haitians on the successful completion of the recent elections. The goal had been to release it following the announcement of the...

  • 5 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (6 April 2011) the Council will hold an open debate on Haiti. Colombia has chosen Haiti as a priority issue for its presidency of the Council this month and its president, Juan Manuel Santos will preside over the meeting....

  • 1 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    What's in Blue

    On Thursday, 24 April, Council members had their second round of negotiations at the expert level on the draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April. During the Colombia’s presidency...

  • April 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    A report from the Secretary-General on the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, is due by 15 April. An open debate on Haiti is likely on 6 April, at the initiative of Colombia, Council president for April. It is possible that a presidential statement might result.

  • 29 March 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    What's in Blue

    Preparations for a high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April are currently underway. A draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the debate was circulated to all Council members on Monday, 28 March, and the first expert...

  • 23 March 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    What's in Blue

    Despite other pressures in recent days Council members have been keeping a watchful eye on Haiti’s run-off presidential elections, which took place on Sunday, 20 March. The voting went relatively smoothly and preliminary election results are expected on 31 March...

  • January 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will meet to discuss Haiti in January. The electoral situation remains tense and the anniversary of the earthquake is a reminder of the huge task still to be accomplished. A briefing seems likely to be the focus. The current mandate of the UN mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, continues until 15 October 2011.

  • October 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the peacekeeping mission in Haiti for another 12 months. The mandate expires on 15 October.

  • September 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is due to receive a report from the Secretary-General on the UN mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, by 31 August. At time of writing there was no decision for the Council to take up Haiti formally in September, although there was some discussion of a possible debate—to highlight the importance of the issues.

  • 2 June 2010

    Update Report No. 1: Haiti

    Update Report

    The Council is expected to adopt a resolution shortly on revising the mandate of MINUSTAH reflecting recent developments and decisions regarding the UN role in Haiti in light of the new challenges since the 12 January earthquake. (The mission is currently authorised until 15 October.)

  • 10 May 2010

    Update Report No. 1: Haiti

    Update Report

    The Council is expected to soon take early action on revising the mandate of MINUSTAH to respond to the post-earthquake environment in Haiti. (The mission is currently authorised through to 15 October.)

  • April 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to take up the situation in Haiti in April with a view to adjusting the tasks for the UN mission in Haiti. On 31 March the UN will host an international conference on Haiti to discuss reconstruction in the aftermath of the January earthquake.

  • 17 February 2010

    Update Report No. 4: Haiti

    Update Report

    On Friday, 19 February the Council is expecting a public briefing from Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes and the head of the Peacekeeping Department, Alain Le Roy, on the humanitarian situation in Haiti and the work of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

  • October 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    The mandate of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) expires on 15 October. The Council is expected to extend it for another 12 months.

  • September 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    In early September the Council is due to receive a report from the Secretary-General on the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). It is possible that the Council will discuss Haiti in September, but at press time no decision had been made. The MINUSTAH mandate expires on 15 October.