
  • 19 September 2012

    Iran Non-Proliferation Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (20 September), Ambassador Néstor Osorio of Colombia—chair of the sanctions committee that deals with Iran (the “1737 Committee”)—is scheduled to present the regular 90-day report of the Committee’s work to the Council. These quarterly Council meetings on Iran...

  • September 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In September, the Council is due to receive a quarterly briefing from Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia), the chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee), on its work since the last briefing (12 June).

  • 11 June 2012

    Iran Sanctions Committee Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon (12 June), Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia), Chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee, will brief the Council in a regular 90-day update on the Committee’s work. As is usually the case with these quarterly briefings, Council members will likely...

  • June 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    The mandate of the Panel of Experts (PoE) that assists the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee) expires on 9 June. The Council is expected to adopt a resolution renewing the PoE's mandate for one year in early June. Later in the month, the Council is expected to receive a regular quarterly briefing from the chair of the 1737 Committee, Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia).

  • March 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In March, the chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee), Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia), is expected to provide the Council with a regular quarterly briefing. The report is likely to be routine. Other Council members will then be given the opportunity to address the issue of Iran's nuclear programme. No Council action is expected following the briefing.

  • December 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia), chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee), is expected to provide the Council in December with a regularly scheduled 90-day briefing. The briefing is likely to be routine; the floor will then be opened to other Council members.

  • September 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In September, the Council is expecting a regular 90-day briefing from Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia), the chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee). At press time, no Council decision was expected.

  • The mandates for the Iran and DRPK sanctions committees experts expire on 9 and 12 June respectively. Council members at expert level have been negotiating resolutions renewing the mandate of these two panel of experts and expected to adopt them...

  • June 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to receive a briefing from the chair of the sanctions committee on Iran in June. The chair typically briefs the Council every 90 days.

  • It seems the panel of experts that assists the Iran sanctions committee circulated its final report to Council members on Saturday 7 May. The report was due to the Council 30 days before the expiry of the panel’s mandate on...

  • 16 March 2011

    Insights on the Iran Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon, Colombian Ambassador Nestor Osorio,will brief Council members for the first time as the chair of the 1737 Committee on Iran. He is expected to report on the work of the sanctions committee including the sanctions committee’s panel of...

  • March 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to receive a briefing from the chair of the 1737 Sanctions Committee on Iran in March. (The chair typically briefs the Council every ninety days; this will be the first briefing by the current chair, Ambassador Néstor Osorio of Colombia.) An IAEA report on Iran's compliance with Council resolutions is also expected before the briefing.

  • December 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    A quarterly briefing from the chair of the 1737 Sanctions Committee on Iran is expected in December. An IAEA report on Iran's compliance with Council resolutions is also expected. No Council action seemed likely at time of writing.

  • September 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    A briefing from the chair of the 1737 Sanctions Committee on Iran is expected in September. A report from the IAEA on Iran's compliance with Council resolutions is also expected. No Council action was expected at time of writing. However, issues relating to Iran seem likely to arise in various informal meetings during the high-level General Assembly week in September.

  • 8 June 2010

    Update Report No. 2: Iran

    Update Report

    The Council seems likely to adopt very shortly a resolution that would impose additional sanctions on Iran. However, a vote seems probable since unanimous support appears unlikely.