
  • August 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In August the Council is expecting a debate on the situation in Kosovo.

  • 27 July 2011

    Kosovo and South Kordofan Briefings

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon (28 July) Council members are expected to receive briefings on Southern Kordofan and Kosovo in closed informal consultations. The Southern Kordofan briefing was requested by some Council members who wanted an update on the situation there. The last...

  • 9 May 2011

    Insights on Kosovo

    What's in Blue

    The Secretary-General has written to the Council expressing his support for an in-depth, impartial and independent investigation into the allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo. The Secretary-General’s letter formally transmitted to the...

  • May 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In May the Council is expecting the UNMIK quarterly report, a briefing by Special Representative and head of mission Lamberto Zannier and a debate on the situation in Kosovo.

  • February 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In February, the head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is expected to brief the Council. A debate is likely. No formal action is expected.

  • November 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In November head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is expected to brief the Council. Discussion is likely to focus on the upcoming EU-brokered talks between Serbia and Kosovo. It seems unlikely that the Council will take any formal action.

  • August 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In early August the Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is expected to brief the Council on the Secretary-General’s latest report on Kosovo. This seems likely to trigger a discussion on the implications of the ICJ advisory opinion, announced on 22 July.  

  • May 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In May the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is scheduled to brief the Council. (This was expected in April when the Secretary-General’s latest report was issued but it was postponed.)

  • April 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    The Secretary-General’s quarterly report on Kosovo is due on 31 March. A briefing on the report by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Lamberto Zannier, is expected. But it was unclear at press time whether this will be in April or will be postponed until May.

  • January 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    In January the Council is expecting a report from the Secretary-General on the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is scheduled to brief the Council towards the end of the month.

  • October 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    At press time the Council was expecting the report of the Secretary-General on the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is likely to brief the Council in mid-October.

  • June 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    In June the Secretary-General’s quarterly report on the UN Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) will be available. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is expected to brief the Council.

  • March 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    In March the Secretary-General’s report on the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) will be on the table. This will be the first report that will give Council members a sense of how the delicate compromise, which was successfully brokered by the UN in November 2008 and which permitted the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo to be deployed in Kosovo, is working out in practice.

  • November 2008


    Monthly Forecast

    In early November the Council is expected to consider the Secretary-General’s report on the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The report was originally scheduled for release on 9 October, with a briefing by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative Lamberto Zannier planned for mid-October.

  • October 2008


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to discuss a report on the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in October. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMIK, Lamberto Zannier, is likely to provide details of the reconfiguration of UNMIK in light of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence.