Middle East, including the Palestinian Question

  • 19 August 2013

    Middle East Briefing and Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (20 August) the Council is scheduled to receive a regular monthly briefing on the situation in the Middle East by Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Oscar Fernández-Taranco followed by consultations. The main focus of Fernández-Taranco’s briefing is expected...

  • July 2013


    Monthly Forecast

    In July the Council is expected to hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East following a briefing by the Department of Political Affairs. Discussions will likely focus on the stalled Middle East peace process. The briefing will also likely cover recent events in Syria and Lebanon.

  • April 2013

    Middle East

    Monthly Forecast

    In April the Council is expected to hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East, following a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. Discussions will likely focus on the stalled peace process and the humanitarian and security situations in Gaza and the West Bank. Feltman’s briefing will also likely cover recent events in Syria and Lebanon.In April the Council is expected to hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East, following a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. Discussions will likely focus on the stalled peace process and the humanitarian and security situations in Gaza and the West Bank. Feltman’s briefing will also likely cover recent events in Syria and Lebanon.

  • January 2013


    Monthly Forecast

    In January, the Council is expected to hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East following a briefing from Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry. The discussion will likely focus on the stalled peace process, the consequences of hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and the General Assembly resolution upgrading the status of Palestine at the UN from permanent observer to non-member observer state.

  • 26 November 2012

    Middle East Briefing and Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (27 November) the Council is scheduled to receive a regular monthly briefing from Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. Serry is likely to focus on the impact of the recent violence between...

  • This afternoon (21 November) Security Council members will meet in consultations at 3 p.m. to discuss a draft press statement on the ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel which was announced today by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. It seems the...

  • 20 November 2012

    Gaza Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Council members will meet in consultations at 3 p.m. today (20 November) to discuss this morning’s request by Morocco, on behalf of the Arab Group, that the Security Council hold an open debate on the deteriorating situation in Gaza. It...

  • 19 November 2012

    Briefing on Gaza

    What's in Blue

    Council members are meeting in consultations today (19 November), starting at noon, to hear a briefing from the Department of Political Affairs on the situation in Gaza. (The open debate on piracy was suspended until 3 pm so that Council...

  • October 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In October, the Council will hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East after a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. The discussion will likely focus on the economic crisis facing the Palestinian Authority, the security situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in the region and obstacles to reviving the stalled Israel/Palestine peace process.

  • July 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In late July the Security Council will hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East with a likely focus on the fragile situation on the ground, which could be exacerbated by regional developments and the failure to revive in any meaningful way the Israel/Palestine peace process.

  • Council members are scheduled to be briefed in consultations on Monday afternoon (2 July) on Libya and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) by Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (The closed session briefing will follow a similar morning...

  • 25 May 2012

    Middle East Briefing and Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tuesday morning (29 May), the Security Council will be briefed by Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East peace process. Serry is likely to focus on peace process developments including the recent exchange of letters between Palestinian...

  • April 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In late April the Security Council is due to hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East. The focus of discussion will likely be whether the Quartet has been able to achieve sufficient impetus to break the stalemate in the Israel/Palestine peace process.

  • 26 March 2012

    Middle East Briefing and Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (27 March), the Council will be briefed by Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. Serry is likely to focus on developments in the Quartet’s efforts to create sufficient momentum for direct Israeli-Palestinian...

  • This afternoon (8 February), the Secretary-General is scheduled to brief Council members in informal consultations on his recent visit to the Middle East and Addis Ababa where he attended the AU Summit from 29-30 January. (The Secretary-General was in Lebanon...