Monthly Forecasts

Security Council Report's principal publication providing objective and analytical monthly reporting on the Security Council's current and prospective programme of work.

  • April 2013

    Monthly Forecast

    Rwanda will preside over the Security Council in April.

  • March 2013

    Monthly Forecast

    The Russian Federation will preside over the Security Council in March. 

  • February 2013

    Monthly Forecast

    The Republic of Korea (ROK) will preside over the Security Council in February. An open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict is planned with ROK Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan expected to preside. A briefing on cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations is also expected. 

  • January 2013

    Monthly Forecast

    Pakistan will hold the presidency of the Council in January and is planning open debates on a comprehensive approach to counter-terrorism and another on a multidimensional approach to peacekeeping. DRC, Syria and the recently authorised African-led International Support Mission in Mali are also likely to occupy the Council's time in January.

  • December 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Morocco will hold the presidency of the Security Council in December. A high-level meeting on peace and security in the Sahel is planned. The situation in Mali and the Secretary-General’s report regarding the deployment of an international stabilisation force there will also be a focus this month. Syria and the DRC may also continue to occupy the Council's time in December.

  • November 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    India will have the presidency of the Security Council in November.  Two open debates are planned on piracy as a global threat and on the Council’s working methods. Debates are scheduled on Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a briefing by High...

  • October 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Guatemala will preside over the Security Council in October.  It is planning to hold three open debates during the month. In mid-October, an open debate on the role of the International Criminal Court and its relation to the Council will be chaired by Foreign Minister Harold Caballeros. The Secretary-General may brief the Council.

  • September 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Germany will preside over the Council in September. A high-level meeting on the Council’s cooperation with the League of Arab States and ways to strengthen this relationship is planned to coincide with the start of the general debate of the General Assembly. In addition to German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, who will preside, several other high level participants are expected.  

  • August 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    France will preside over the Security Council in August. There will be one debate during the month, on Kosovo and the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). Briefings, to be followed by consultations, are expected on: the UN...

  • July 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Colombia will hold the presidency of the Security Council in July. An open debate is planned to discuss the Middle East with a briefing by the Secretariat. The Council is due to also receive briefings, to be followed by consultations on: Iraq by...

  • June 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    China will have the presidency of the Council in June. The one open debate planned, the semi-annual open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, with likely briefings by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos and High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, is expected toward the end of the month.

  • May 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Azerbaijan will hold the presidency of the Security Council in May. Early in the month, a high-level event on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts is planned, with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev expected to preside. Other Council members may be represented by ministerial-level officials. The Secretary-General will brief the Council.

  • April 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    The US will hold the presidency of the Security Council in April. An open debate on improving UN capacity to assist states to counter illicit cross-border flows is planned late in the month, and the Secretary-General is expected to brief. A resolution or a presidential statement is the expected outcome.

  • March 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    The UK will have the presidency of the Council in March. Foreign Secretary William Hague is expected to preside over a debate focusing on the recent events in the Middle East and North Africa and intending to look at challenges and opportunities for peace and security emanating from this experience. Three foreign ministers from the region are likely to brief and several foreign ministers from Council member states have confirmed their participation.

  • February 2012

    Monthly Forecast

    Togo will have the presidency of the Security Council in February. Togo's President Faure Gnassingbé is likely to preside over a high-level debate on the impact of transnational organised crime on peace, security and stability in West Africa and the Sahel, as well as on the growing piracy problem in West Africa. The Secretary-General and representatives of ECOWAS and ECCAS are expected to brief. A presidential statement is a possible outcome.