Monthly Forecasts

Security Council Report's principal publication providing objective and analytical monthly reporting on the Security Council's current and prospective programme of work.

  • April 2008

    Monthly Forecast

     In April South Africa will have the Presidency of the Council. The combination of a large number of scheduled items for consideration and ongoing unresolved issues seems likely to make April an extremely busy month. An important open thematic debate...

  • March 2008

    Monthly Forecast

    Russia will hold the Council’s Presidency in March. Counter-terrorism will be an important thematic issue. The Council is due to renew the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and to approve its new organisational plan. A debate is...

  • February 2008

    Monthly Forecast

    In February, Panama will have the presidency of the Council. A major focus will be increasing the number of Council meetings opened to participation from the wider UN membership. An important thematic debate is scheduled for 12 February on Children...

  • January 2008

    Monthly Forecast

    In January Libya will have the presidency of the Council. For a newly elected Council member, assuming the presidency in its first month is a huge burden. However, Libya seems to have made a big effort to prepare and they...

  • December 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    In December Italy will have the presidency of the Council. The newly elected Council members Burkina Faso, Croatia, Costa Rica, Libya and Vietnam will attend informal consultations and meetings of the subsidiary bodies as guest observers in preparation for taking...

  • November 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    In November Indonesia will have the presidency of the Council. It seems that the Council may have four major open debates in November: in early November an open thematic debate on Cooperation between the Council and Regional Organisations appears possible;...

  • October 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    In October Ghana will have the presidency of the Council. It seems that Ghana will highlight the issue of Women, Peace and Security as a thematic issue during its presidency. The month will begin with an Arria style meeting focused on this...

  • September 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    In September France will have the presidency of the Council. For most UN members the main focus in September is the General Debate which marks the opening of the General Assembly. As always, a very large cast of high-level delegations...

  • August 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    Congo will have the Council presidency in August. August is traditionally a quieter month for the Council. Schedules for review or renewal of mandates are usually structured to avoid August as far as possible. In that respect this year is...

  • July 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    China will have the presidency of the Council in July. A very heavy programme of work is anticipated. No thematic debates are currently envisaged, especially in light of fact that two important thematic debates were held in June. It may...

  • June 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    Belgium will have the Council presidency in June which is traditionally a month with a very heavy work schedule for the Council. This year is no exception. Moreover, Council members have scheduled a mission to Africa with visits to the...

  • May 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    The United States will have the Council presidency in May. At this stage, no thematic debates are planned. The new US Permanent Representative, Zalmay Khalilzad, who comes to the UN with recent experience as an ambassador in two countries on...

  • April 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    The United Kingdom will preside over the Council in April. It is unclear whether any thematic debates will take place. Press reports have indicated a possibility of the Council’s holding a thematic debate on the impact of climate change on...

  • March 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    South Africa will have the presidency of the Council in March. No thematic debates are currently planned—although some event to mark International Women’s Day is possible and a thematic discussion later in the month cannot be ruled out. Other planned...

  • February 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    Slovakia will have the presidency of the Council in February. Traditionally, the February agenda has relatively few scheduled “country specific” matters.  Accordingly, Slovakia has taken the opportunity this month to initiate a major new thematic area of Council work. They...