
  • The chairs of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC, established under resolution 1373), Croatia; 1267 Committee (Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions), Austria; and 1540 Committee (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction), Costa Rica are expected to address the Council during a public debate in May.

  • November 2008


    Monthly Forecast

    he chairs of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC, established under resolution 1373), the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee (the 1267 Committee), and the 1540 Committee (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) are expected to address the Council in an open briefing in November. The chairs brief the Council twice a year. No formal outcome is expected but an open debate is possible.

  • Twice a year the Council is briefed by the chairs of its three counter-terrorism committees. The next briefing is expected on 6 May when the chairs of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee (the 1267 Committee), the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC, established under resolution 1373) and the 1540 Committee (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) will address the Council. The joint briefings started in April 2005 and usually include a debate extended to all UN member states. No formal outcome is expected.

  • The 1540 Committee on weapons of mass destruction is reviewing a 71-page draft report that was due on 27 April. During the May briefing by the chairs of the three counter-terrorism committees, the 1540 Committee Chairman, Ambassador Jorge Urbina of Costa Rica, said the report would be ready “as soon as possible” or by 31 July at the latest.

  • The mandates of both the 1540 Committee on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and its Group of Experts expire on 27 April. A biennial report of the Committee is also due in April. All indications are that both mandates will be renewed when the issue comes before the Council in April.

  • November 2007

    Counter-Terrorism: Briefings to the Council

    Monthly Forecast

    Twice a year the chairs of the Security Council's three counter-terrorism committees brief the Council. The next briefing is due in November when the chairs of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Committee and the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee will address the Council.

  • April 2006

    Non-Proliferation (1540 Committee)

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the 1540 Committee, which expires on 28 April.