Peacebuilding (including the PBC)

  • This Special Research Report analyses the activities of the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) during its second year of operation and provides a follow-up to our Special Research Reports of 23 June 2006 which reviewed the lead-up to and establishment of the PBC and of 5 October 2007 reviewing its first year of work. Whereas the first year was largely spent on organisational issues, the second year of the PBC was primarily devoted to the country-specific issues of Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and, to a lesser extent, the Central African Republic (the CAR was added to the agenda of the Commission towards the end of its second session) as well as some organisational matters. The Commission’s report on the second year of its activities and outcomes was submitted to both the Security Council and the General Assembly on 24 June.

  • The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is expected to hold elections on 23 June to select its new chairman and vice-chairs.  Elections for new members to the PBC by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the General Assembly are also awaited. The PBC’s annual report is to be finalised and released by end of June.

  • This Special Research Report analyses the first year of operation of the UN's new Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and follows up on Special Research Report No. 3 of 23 June 2006 which reviewed the lead-up to and establishment of the PBC. The PBC spent its first year focused on Burundi and Sierra Leone, at the request of the Security Council. Its report on its first year of activities and outcomes is now before the Council and the General Assembly. The PBC's achievements in its first year are more substantive than generally appreciated. Although its outcomes are not only documents, four key documents have been produced: 1. a concept note on integrated peacebuilding strategies (IPBS); 2. the Burundi IPBS/strategic framework; 3. the Sierra Leone draft IPBS/Framework for Cooperation; and 4. the PBC's annual report.

  • June 2007

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Monthly Forecast

    In June the Organisational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is expected to select a new chair and two vice-chairs. The PBC's annual report should be finalised by the end of the month, along with integrated peacebuilding strategies for Burundi and Sierra Leone.

  • The Council will receive a briefing by the High Commissioner for Human Rights Under Secretary-General Louise Arbour on 31 May. The briefing will address the High Commissioner's recent trip to the Great Lakes region, that included the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi and Rwanda.

  • March 2007

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Monthly Forecast

    In March, the Council will hold consultations on the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC). It intends to take stock of the remarks and discuss suggestions made at the 31 January open debate on the PBC, particularly on improving the working relationship between the Council and the PBC. No formal outcome is expected.

  • 25 January 2007

    Update Report No. 5: Peacebuilding Commission

    Update Report

    The Council is expected to hold an open debate on the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) on 31 January to take stock of recent PBC work. It may also explore ways in which interaction between the Council and the PBC can be developed and improved.

  • January 2007

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Monthly Forecast

    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) was established by the Security Council and the General Assembly in December 2005. Controversy surrounding its establishment led to ambiguity about its status. It is not clearly specified whether it is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly or the Security Council. (The resolutions simply refer to it as an "intergovernmental advisory body".)

  • October 2006

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Monthly Forecast

    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is expected to hold its first formal country-specific meetings on Sierra Leone and Burundi on 12 and 13 October, respectively. Reports from the Peacebuilding Support Office and from the Sierra Leonean and Burundian governments are expected.

  • The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is a subsidiary body of both the Security Council and the General Assembly. It is being formally inaugurated on 23 June. The Council has requested that the PBC consider Burundi and Sierra Leone. Because of the institutional link with the Council, as well as the fact that the PBC will be involved with a number of issues on the Council agenda, Security Council Report will provide occasional reports on the progress of the PBC, starting with the present report on the inauguration of the PBC Organisational Committee and surrounding issues. The PBC Organisational Committee was convened for the first time on 23 June. Members elected Angola as Chair of the PBC and adopted provisional rules of procedure. Two vice-chairpersons were also elected, and Burundi and Sierra Leone were included as the first cases in the PBC's country-specific mode following the Council's request.