
  • 30 March 2011

    Insights on the Libya Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    On Monday, 28 March, the Council received its first briefing from the Permanent Representative of Portugal, José Filipe Moraes Cabral, the chair of the 1970 Sanctions Committee. (Resolution 1970 requested a report from the Committee on its work for the...

  • 24 March 2011

    Insights on the Libya Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    The Sanctions Committee on Libya will have its first meeting tomorrow at expert level to discuss its working methods. Since resolution 1970 was adopted the sanctions committee has tried to meet but competition with existing sanctions committees for both space...

  • 17 March 2011

    Insights on the DRC Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    The final member of the Panel of Experts of the DRC Sanctions Committee may soon be appointed. There has been some difficulty filling the position of the financial expert due to objections from some Council members to the original candidate....

  • 16 March 2011

    Insights on the Iran Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon, Colombian Ambassador Nestor Osorio,will brief Council members for the first time as the chair of the 1737 Committee on Iran. He is expected to report on the work of the sanctions committee including the sanctions committee’s panel of...

  • 15 March 2011

    Insights on the Somalia Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Several issues related to Somalia sanctions are on the Council’s programme of work this week. Today ( Tuesday, 15 March) Council members will be briefed by India, as the chair of the 751/1907 Sanctions Committee on Eritrea and Somalia. (Resolution...

  • 10 March 2011

    Insights on the Sudan Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow, the chair of the 1591 Sanctions Committee, Colombian Ambassador Nestor Osorio, will brief the Council on the work of the Committee during the last ninety days. He is expected to report that all five members of the panel of...

  • 8 March 2011

    Insights on the DRC Sanctions Committee

    What's in Blue

    Members of the DRC Group of Experts met today with the DRC Sanctions Committee ahead of their deployment to the DRC. Among the issues discussed were sexual violence and implementation of the due dilligence guidelines. On 29 November the Council...

  • 4 March 2011

    Insights on the Libya Sanctions Comittee

    What's in Blue

    Council members have been working on setting up the sanctions committee on Libya called for in resolution 1970 which was adopted by the Council last Saturday, 26 February. It now looks like Portugal will chair the committee. A Note by...

  • This report examines in depth the longest running Security Council sanctions measure still in existence (16 years). We have chosen this case because the crisis in Somalia continues to be as serious as it has ever been since 1992. It remains on the Council’s work programme and the humanitarian situation has dramatically worsened in recent months. Somalia is quite possibly the least successful example of Council-imposed sanctions. Historically, all sanctions regimes have presented challenges when it comes to implementation. But the arms embargo imposed on Somalia in 1992 has faced more difficulties than most. This report examines these difficulties. It suggests that some of the problem lay in the situation on the ground. There was no governmental entity with control over Somali territory. There was no customs or border control. But there were also problems the Council could have addressed, including weaknesses in design, unreasonable expectations of reliance on authorities in neighbouring countries to enforce the regime and lack of will to pursue diligently measures to enforce decisions or to adapt when the initial sanctions design proved wholly inadequate.

  • The Chairman of the Security Council’s 1267 Committee that monitors sanctions imposed on the Taliban and Al-Qaida, Ambassador Johan Verbeke of Belgium, is expected to brief the Council in closed consultations on 24 April on nations suspected of avoiding compliance with the bans.

  • Upcoming Issues in Sanctions and Counter-Terrorism Committees

  • May 2007

    Sanctions Committees Overview

    Monthly Forecast

    Upcoming issues in Sanctions Committee as of May 2007.

  • May 2007

    Upcoming Issues in Sanctions Committees

    Monthly Forecast

    Somalia Sanctions (751 Committee) See Somalia brief in this issue. Al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions (1267 Committee) The Committee is expected to take up the review, required under its recently revised guidelines, of names on the Consolidated List that have not been updated...

  • March 2007

    Upcoming Issues in Sanctions Committees

    Monthly Forecast

    Somalia Sanctions (751 Committee) The Committee is likely to begin receiving shortly applications under resolution 1744 for exemptions covering supply of material to support the Transitional Federal Government.  These are likely to be proposed under a “no objection” procedure.  Meetings may not...

  • February 2007

    Sanctions Implementation: Recent Developments

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council took a step towards improving the effectiveness of UN sanctions in December. It brought to a conclusion the work of its Informal Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions. After nearly seven years of work, most recently under the leadership of Ambassador Adamantios Th. Vassilakis of Greece, the Council in resolution 1732 decided on 21 December that the Working Group had fulfilled its mandate.