South Sudan

  • July 2011

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to finalise and adopt the mandate of a new mission for South Sudan ahead of its independence on 9 July. The mandate of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) expires on 9 July.

  • June 2011

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council needs to take decisions in June on the future UN presence in South Sudan after its independence on 9 July. It seems that the Secretary-General's 17 May recommendations are seen as problematic by a number of Council members.

  • May 2011

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to receive a briefing and report from the Secretary-General with recommendations on the mandate and composition of a new UN mission in South Sudan.

  • April 2011

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will consider the Secretary-General’s report on UNMIS which is due in mid-April and will also receive a briefing from the Secretariat.