
  • 22 March 2006

    Update Report No. 3: Sudan/Darfur

    Update Report

    The Council will meet by the end of the week to adopt a resolution extending the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). The current mandate expires on 24 March.

  • March 2006


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will renew the mandate of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). But the major focus of attention will be the transition from the AU operation in Darfur (AMIS) to a new UN operation. If the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) ministerial meeting on 3 March endorses the transition, this will open the way for the Council to work on the details of the mandate for the UN operation in March.

  • February 2006


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will take an increasingly active interest in the AU/UN discussions on a future role for the UN in Darfur following the decision of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) on 12 January to approve in principle a transition from the AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS) to the UN, "within the framework of the partnership between the AU and the UN". The final decision will be taken later in March; and the confirmation by the Secretary-General after his lunch meeting with the Council on the same day that the Secretariat will be preparing contingency plans.

  • 13 January 2006

    Update Report No.3: Sudan/Darfur

    Update Report

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Jan Pronk, and the AU's Chief Mediator in the Darfur crisis, Salim Ahmed Salim, briefed the Council today, 13 January. This followed a meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) and Council discussions with the Secretary-General, both on 12 January.

  • January 2006


    Monthly Forecast

    In January, the Council will receive the regular report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the mandate of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). It will also receive the monthly report of the Secretary-General on Darfur.

  • December 2005


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the Panel of Experts on sanctions; the resolution may also address the recent harassment of Panel members in Sudan.

  • November 2005


    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will again take up the problem of Darfur, but will struggle to reach agreement on new measures to impact on the level of violence or the difficulties faced by the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS). The findings in the interim report of the Sanctions Committee's Panel of Experts could lead to some action on the sanctions front.