
  • August 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In August, Council members expect to receive the monthly briefings on political and humanitarian developments in Syria as well as on chemical weapons.

  • 26 July 2017

    Syria Humanitarian Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (27 July), Ursula Mueller, the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, will brief the Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria via video teleconference from Jordan. Mueller is expected to highlight the continuing difficulties in addressing humanitarian challenges in Syria,...

  • Tomorrow (14 July), Council members expect a briefing in consultations from Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura via video-teleconference on the seventh round of the intra-Syrian talks (10-14 July) in Geneva. The Special Envoy will also most likely provide an assessment...

  • July 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In July, Council members expect to receive briefings on political and humanitarian developments in Syria and on chemical weapons, including on the work of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM).

  • June 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In June, Council members expect to receive briefings on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria and on chemical weapons. Council members will also be following closely the seventh round of the intra-Syrian talks, which are expected to be convened in Geneva in June.

  • On Monday (22 May), Council members are expected to be briefed by Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura via video-teleconference on the sixth round of the intra-Syrian talks held 16-19 May in Geneva. Council members will be interested in hearing de...

  • In the first half of April, the Council was engaged in a series of contentious meetings and negotiations on Syria that culminated in Russia’s eighth veto of a Syria resolution since October 2011.

  • May 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In May, Council members expect to receive briefings on the humanitarian and political situations in Syria, as well as on chemical weapons.

  • 26 April 2017

    Syria Humanitarian Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (27 April), Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O’Brien will brief the Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria. Members are expected to make statements in the open chamber following the briefing, which takes place amidst ongoing fighting with continued...

  • Tomorrow morning (21 April), Council members are expected to hold an Arria-formula meeting with the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Syria, organised by France, the UK and the US. Paulo Pinheiro, chair of the COI, is expected to brief. The...

  • Tomorrow (12 April), Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura is expected to provide the Security Council with the monthly briefing on the political situation in Syria. This briefing takes place after a week of intense diplomatic activity on Syria among Council...

  • This morning, the Security Council is expected be briefed by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman, on yesterday’s strikes by the US on the Shayrat airbase outside of Homs in Syria. Bolivia had asked for a briefing from the Secretariat...

  • This morning (5 April), the Security Council is holding a briefing on the reports of alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. France and the UK requested the meeting following the chemical weapons attack in the Khan Shaykhun area of...

  • April 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In April, Council members expect to receive briefings on the humanitarian and political situation in Syria, as well as on chemical weapons.

  • 7 March 2017

    Syria: Consultations on the Geneva Talks

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon, Council members will be briefed by Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura on the fourth round of the intra-Syrian talks held between 23 February and 3 March. Council members will be interested in hearing de Mistura’s assessment of the...