
  • 12 November 2012

    Draft Press Statements on Syria

    What's in Blue

    Today (12 November) Russia circulated a draft Council press statement condemning an announcement by the Free Syrian Army’s Damascus Military Council. (The announcement seemed to communicate an ultimatum to foreign citizens and diplomats in Syria to evacuate within 72 hours...

  • 5 November 2012

    Syria Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (6 November), Council members will receive a briefing in consultations from Jeffrey Feltman—head of the Department of Political Affairs—on Syria and the failed ceasefire brokered for the Eid al-Adha holiday (26 – 30 October). Council members last received...

  • 23 October 2012

    Briefing and Draft Press Statement on Syria

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (24 October) Council members will be briefed by the Joint UN-Arab League Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi via video-conference from Cairo on his recent visit to Syria and countries in the region (Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and...

  • 22 October 2012

    Council Activity on Libya and Syria

    What's in Blue

    It seems that Council members may have a briefing and consultations on Libya and Syria tomorrow morning (23 October) following a request by Russia. This morning (22 October) Russia circulated three draft press statements, one on Libya and two on...

  • 4 October 2012

    Syria Press Statement Negotiations Continue

    What's in Blue

    Council members began considering a draft press statement yesterday (3 October) in response to mortar fire the same day from Syria hitting the Turkish border town of Akçakale, killing five women and children and reportedly seriously injuring others. Turkish artillery...

  • October 2012

    In Hindsight: Syria

    Monthly Forecast

    After the conclusion of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) on 19 August and decreased Council activity on Syria, it may be timely to take stock of the Council’s response to the situation.

  • 21 September 2012

    Middle East (Syria) Consultations

    What's in Blue

    On Monday morning (24 September), Council members will hold consultations on Syria. The UN-Arab League Joint Special Representative, Lakhdar Brahimi, is expected to brief on his recent visit to the region. Council members will be interested to hear Brahimi’s assessment...

  • September 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In the aftermath of the 19 August expiration of the mandate of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), at press time there was no Syria-related activity scheduled for the Security Council in September. However, it is highly probable that the Council will continue to follow the situation in Syria closely.

  • 29 August 2012

    Meetings on Syria

    What's in Blue

    Over the next two days the Council will be involved in several Syria-related events. This afternoon (29 August) Council members will have an informal meeting with Lakhdar Brahimi, the newly appointed UN-Arab League Joint Special Representative for Syria. The meeting...

  • Tomorrow morning (16 August), in consultations, Council members will hear from Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Edmond Mulet on the situation in Syria. Mulet is likely to focus on an assessment of the security situation and the implications for the mandate...

  • August 2012

    UNSMIS (Syria)

    Monthly Forecast

    The mandate of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria ends on 19 August. The Council will hold two rounds of consultations on UNSMIS in August which will likely focus on the Secretary-General’s assessment of the security situation in Syria and recommendations for the mission’s future.

  • Tomorrow afternoon (2 August), the Council will hear from peacekeeping head Hervé Ladsous in a public briefing on the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), to be followed by informal consultations. Ladsous visited Syria in late July and his briefing...

  • 19 July 2012

    Possible Extension of UNSMIS

    What's in Blue

    At press time, it seemed a vote on an extension of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) might be called later today (19 July) following consultations on a new draft text at 2pm. The UNSMIS mandate expires tomorrow (20...

  • 18 July 2012

    Possible Vote on Syria Resolution

    What's in Blue

    At press time, a vote was scheduled for this afternoon (18 July) on the UK draft resolution put in blue last Friday (13 July) and co-sponsored by France, Germany, Portugal, and the US (S/2012/538). The draft renews the UN Supervision...

  • Tomorrow morning (16 July), negotiations among Council members are expected to continue at expert and possibly permanent representative level on the UK draft resolution on Syria. The draft text renews the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), for 45 days...