UN Documents Most Recent

  • 1 March 2023


    This was a letter from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Lebanon.

  • 1 March 2023


    This was the Vanuatu-initiated General Assembly resolution titled “Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States in respect of climate change”.

  • 1 March 2023


    This was a letter from Mali rejecting France's continued role as penholder on Mali.

  • 28 February 2023


    This was the 90-day report on UNITAMS.

  • 27 February 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's quarterly report on the situation in Afghanistan.

  • 27 February 2023


    This was the concept note for the 30 March open debate on “Peace and security in Africa: the impact of development policies in the implementation of the Silencing the Guns initiative”.

  • 27 February 2023


    This was a briefing on UNSMIL.

  • 24 February 2023


    This was a concept note prepared by Mozambique for the open debate on “Women, Peace and Security: Towards the 25th Anniversary of Resolution 1325”.

  • 24 February 2023


    This was a ministerial-level briefing initiated by Malta, Council president for February 2023, to mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

  • 23 February 2023


    This was the annual meeting on strengthening EU-UN cooperation.

  • 22 February 2023


    This meeting record was on the situation in Somalia.

  • 22 February 2023


    This was the 90-day report on South Sudan.

  • 22 February 2023


    This was a letter from Malta to the Secretary-General transmitting the statement that would have been delivered on behalf of the Somali Gender Equity Movement at the 22 February Security Council meeting on Somalia. According to Malta’s statement at that meeting, the “conditions were not conducive to the safe participation of a civil-society representative” to brief the Council on women, peace and security, leading Malta to circulate the statement as a document of the Security Council instead.

  • 22 February 2023


    This was the midterm report of the Mali Panel of Experts.

  • 21 February 2023


    This was the 60-day report on the implementation of resolution 2672.

  • 21 February 2023


    This meeting record was on the situation in the CAR.

  • 21 February 2023


    This was the final report of the Yemen Panel of Experts.

  • 21 February 2023


    This was an open briefing under the TIPS agenda item requested by Russia.

  • 21 February 2023


    This press statement condemned the attack against MINUSMA earlier that day that killed 3 peacekeepers from Senegal and injured five others.

  • 20 February 2023


    This was the February monthly meeting on "The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question".

  • 20 February 2023


    This presidential statement expresses “deep concern and dismay” with Israel’s 12 February 2023 announcement regarding the expansion of settlement activity and reiterates that continued Israeli settlement activity is imperiling the viability of the two-state solution.

  • 17 February 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's annual report on the Peacebuilding Fund.

  • 17 February 2023


    This was an open briefing requested by Russia on the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements”, also known as the Minsk II agreement, adopted on 12 February 2015.

  • 17 February 2023


    This was the annual report of the PBC on its sixteenth session.

  • 16 February 2023


    This report was the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in the CAR.

  • 16 February 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's Report on Somalia.

  • 15 February 2023


    This resolution extended the Yemen asset freeze and travel ban sanctions measures nine months until 15 November, and the mandate of the Yemen Panel of Experts until 15 December.

  • 14 February 2023


    This was a ministerial-level open debate on sea-level rise and its implications for international peace and security.

  • 14 February 2023


    This was the Peacebuilding Commission's written advice for the 14 February Council open debate on the theme “Threats to international peace and security: sea level rise – implications for international peace and security”.

  • 13 February 2023


    This is the 31st report of the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team.

  • 13 February 2023


    This was a letter dated 13 February 2023 from the Chair of the 1267 sanctions committee concerning ISIL/al-Qaida addressed to the President of the Security Council, transmitting the thirty-first report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team.

  • 10 February 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's fourth report on children and armed conflict in South Sudan.

  • 8 February 2023


    This was a letter circulated by Qatar on behalf of the Group of Arab States calling for lifting the sanctions on Sudan.

  • 8 February 2023


    This was an open briefing under the TIPS agenda item requested by Russia to discuss “the prospects for the peaceful settlement of the crisis around Ukraine in the context of the increasing supplies of Western armaments”.

  • 7 February 2023


    This was a meeting on the chemical weapons track in Syria.

  • 6 February 2023


    This press statement was on the attack against MONUSCO.  

  • 6 February 2023


    This was a humanitarian briefing on Ukraine.

  • 3 February 2023


    This press statement was on the situation in the DRC.

  • 3 February 2023


    This was the midterm report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 2648 (2022.)

  • 2 February 2023


    This was a concept note circulated by Malta ahead of a briefing on the prevention of grave violations against children, which took place on 13 February 2023.

  • 2 February 2023


    This was a meeting on Iraq. Special Representative and head of UNAMI Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert briefed on recent developments in Iraq and the Secretary-General’s reports on UNAMI (S/2023/58) and the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-party nationals and missing Kuwaiti property (S/2023/51).

  • 30 January 2023


    This was a letter by Sudan calling for an immediate lifting of the sanctions without conditions or benchmarks.

  • 30 January 2023


    This presidential note announced the appointment of subsidiary body chairs for 2023.

  • 30 January 2023


    This resolution extended the mandate of UNFICYP until 31 January 2024.

  • 27 January 2023


    This letter took note of the Secretary-General's recommendations for the mandate renewal of UNOWAS in his 20 January 2023 letter (S/2023/70).

  • 27 January 2023


    This was a briefing on Mali by Special Representative and head of MINUSMA El-Ghassim Wane and civil society representative Aminata Cheick Dicko, President of the association Protection Sahel.

  • 26 January 2023

    S/PV.9250 (Resumption 1)

    This was the second half of the meeting record of the Council open debate on “Investment in people to enhance resilience against complex challenges”.

  • 26 January 2023


    This was a Council open debate on “Investment in people to enhance resilience against complex challenges" under the peacebuilding and sustaining peace agenda.

  • 25 January 2023


    This was the semi-annual ICC briefing.

  • 25 January 2023


    This was a briefing on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria.

  • 25 January 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's quarterly report on UNAMI, which covered developments from October 2022 to January 2023.

  • 24 January 2023


    This was a meeting on the situation in Haiti. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and head of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) Helen La Lime briefed on recent developments and the Secretary-General’s latest 90-day report on BINUH (S/2023/41).

  • 20 January 2023


    This letter contained the Secretary-General's proposal for the mandate renewal of UNOWAS.

  • This was an Arria-formula meeting convened by Russia on 20 January 2022, titled: “The systematic war of Ukraine against the residents of Donbass: 2014 and Onwards”.

  • 19 January 2023


    This was a report of the Secretary-General on missing Kuwaiti and third-party nationals and missing Kuwaiti property, which covered developments from September 2022 to January 2023.

  • 18 January 2023


    This was the January monthly meeting on "The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question".

  • 17 January 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's latest 90-day report on Haiti.

  • 17 January 2023


    This was an open briefing on Ukraine requested by Russia.

  • 16 January 2023


    This was an internal review of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).

  • 16 January 2023


    This was a briefing on Yemen by Special Envoy Hans Grundberg and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths.

  • 13 January 2023


    This was a press statement on Colombia, in which members stressed the importance of the comprehensive implementation of the 2016 accord and emphasised the importance of tackling insecurity for the consolidation of peace in the country.

  • 13 January 2023


    This letter informed the Secretary-General that the Council had selected Ecuador and Mozambique as its two elected members to serve on the Peacebuilding Commission during 2023.

  • 13 January 2023


    This was an open briefing on Ukraine requested by Albania and the US.

  • 11 January 2023


    This resolution expanded the mandate of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia to monitor the implementation of the chapter on comprehensive rural reform and the ethnic chapter of the 2016 Final Agreement for Ending the Conflict and Building a Stable and Lasting Peace between the government of Colombia and the former rebel group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP).

  • 11 January 2023


    This was the Security Council’s quarterly meeting on Colombia, which was held on 11 January 2023.

  • 10 January 2023


    This was a briefing on West Africa and the Sahel with Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel and Officer-in-Charge of the UN Office of West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Giovanie Biha, and the President of the ECOWASCommission, Omar Alieu Touray.

  • 9 January 2023


    This was a letter from the PBC with written advice to the Council for its 11 January briefing on Colombia.

  • 9 January 2023


    This resolution extended the authorisation for the Syria cross-border aid mechanism for an additional six months, until 10 July 2023.

  • 6 January 2023


    This was a PBC letter containing written advice to the Council for its biannual briefing on West Africa and the Sahel.

  • 6 January 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's quarterly report on Mali.

  • 5 January 2023


    This was the concept note for the Council's 26 January open debate on “Investment in people to enhance resilience against complex challenges”, under the Council's peacebuilding and sustaining peace agenda item.

  • 5 January 2023


    This was an open briefing on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”.

  • 5 January 2023


    This was a meeting on the chemical weapons track in Syria.

  • 3 January 2023


    This was the Secretary-General's report on UNFICYP, which covered developments from 15 June to 12 December 2022.

  • 3 January 2023


    This was the report of the Secretary-General on his mission of good offices in Cyprus.

  • 3 January 2023


    This was a report on West Africa and the Sahel and the activities of UNOWAS.

  • 30 December 2022


    This was a letter on the appointment of the Panel of Experts on Haiti.

  • 30 December 2022


    This document entails the first annual report of the IWG.

  • 30 December 2022


    This was a resolution on "Israeli Practices Affecting the Human rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem" which requested the International Court of Justice to render an advisory opinion on "the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination", among other matters related to Israel's occupation.

  • 29 December 2022


    This document entails the letter dated 29 December 2022 from the Permanent Representatives of India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, and Norway to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council.

  • 27 December 2022


    This was the Secretary-General's 90-day report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 27 December 2022


    This was a letter from Norway transmitting the joint statements delivered in 2022 by the signatories of the Shared Commitments on WPS.

  • 22 December 2022


    This was the resolution renewing UNDOF’s mandate for six months.

  • 22 December 2022


    This was the summary of the IEG’s 16 November meeting with women’s protection advisers.

  • 21 December 2022


    This was a meeting on the situation in Haiti requested by Russia.

  • 21 December 2022


    This was a resolution on the situation in Myanmar. Among other matters, the resolution demanded an immediate end to all forms of violence throughout the country and requested that the Secretary-General or his Special Envoy, in coordination with the ASEAN Special Envoy, report orally to the Council on UN support for the implementation of ASEAN's Five-Point-Consensus by 15 March 2023.

  • 21 December 2022


    This resolution extended the deadline for the first phase of the drawdown of ATMIS personnel until 30 June 2023.

  • 21 December 2022


    This was a briefing on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria.

  • 20 December 2022


    This resolution renewed MONUSCO's mandate for one year until 20 December 2023.

  • 20 December 2022


    This resolution lifted the notification requirements related to the arms embargo imposed within the framework of the 1533 DRC sanctions regime.